I believe you have that backwards. They used trailer lights on CJs. AMC was the king of repurposing. My CJ has a GM transmission and steering column, Ford brakes, ignition and alternator.
I believe you have that backwards. They used trailer lights on CJs. AMC was the king of repurposing. My CJ has a GM transmission and steering column, Ford brakes, ignition and alternator.
A wheelbarrow full? Unless your wheelbarrow is huge it’ll be no problem. If you’re actually talking about a larger amount of rock then no 1/2 ton truck is going to hold anywhere near the amount of rock needed to fill even a 5.5' bed. For example look at the fill line on a U-Haul 6x12 utility trailer for rock and dirt.…
Exactly what I’ve said about my 2013 Crew Cab/Short Bed Ram 1500 (Hemi.) Unless you’re hauling 16' boards on a regular basis, I’ve had no problem carrying everything I want to in my super short bed. You just fold down the tailgate, and you’re good for anything up to 12' long. Even the Fuel economy is better than…
I haven’t found either Toyota or Honda to be as reliable as people claim.
I tried one of those. Ended up selling it fairly quickly for me. #1, it wasn’t Toyota reliable. The brake booster failed! The AC compressor failed (every BMW, 4 - and these are mid 90s to early 00s - I’ve owned the AC compressor has lasted far longer than the one on the RAV4 - in fact I’ve never changed a BMW AC…
Yep, they took the Pathfinder upmarket and made it a unibody (for this generation.)
This one happened this week. I’m a delivery driver. So earlier this week I had a delivery to a student housing complex, where they have to come downstairs. I call the guy as I leave the store tell him to meet me out front at the main entrance, where they have a loop for deliveries and people to drop their friends off.…
BMW always has good blues. I drive an Orient Blau e46 vert right now.
Yep. 10k buys a lot of gas.
And magically found $2200 to get the car back within a week.
Or if she had rolled some previous debt into a car. I have a coworker, he was driving a Genesis sedan that he couldn’t afford to maintain. The engine locked up on it. So he went and got a Mazda 3. Rolled the outstanding debt from the Genesis into the Mazda, also with no down payment. His payment is around $750 a…
Yep, like a Jet-Ski, but with no water providing any resistance to moving AT ALL.
First off who said anything about safety? Second I’m not a boomer, I’m Gen X. Third, there are problems with water and cars other than the engine hydrolocking. It’s those I’m primarily more concerned with. I’m more worried about major component damage in a not tested situation. I’m not saying it’s guaranteed, but…
I’m basing it on previous experiences with vehicles and water. For instance, the Ionic 5 is having a bit of trouble with coolant getting into a critical module and causing the car to shut down. This is a system where water/coolant is designed to go. Given that batteries are generally in the bottom portion of the…
I’m thinking things lower on the chassis.
There are two different ‘dumps’ in my area. There’s the ‘trash collection point’ where you can dump household waste for free (trash, recycling, furniture, oil, yard debris, etc.) Then there is the ‘landfill transfer station’ where they may or may not charge you depending on your load (construction materials,…
I agree, but they need to program them so they don’t block the street when they decide to not go.
Yep, as soon as I saw the ‘e’ I was like Nope!
Being that they are Range Rovers, I expect they will get fixed they next time they are at the dealership, so not too long from now.
I can think of 2 problems. One is dunking in water. Second is range.