For me, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is number 1. That movie was perfect from beginning to end and has become the standard I hold all other superhero films too.
For me, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is number 1. That movie was perfect from beginning to end and has become the standard I hold all other superhero films too.
The thing about this Arrow ep is that the more I think about the conclusion the angrier I get. I mean Oliver just hands the R’as ring to Merlyn? For what possible reason? “Depends on what you do with it?” Evil, bad things is the answer, and Felicity would slap him over the head if she knew. Did he just decide to not…
At least she drew a poop on Ward’s personality evaluation?
Foggy. It is rare that a series lets a supporting character get genuinely pissed at a hero for keeping their secrets, and then give them some real time and space to work it out. One of the best things the show had going for it was the realness of these aspects of the relationships.
If I need to elaborate, there is something wrong with you.
“Sanya,” I said. “Who did I get cast as?”
James Wesley, Daredevil. Best eyebrow game and smarm in the MCU.
Diggle from the Arrow.
10. Mockingbird’s escape attempt. God damn that was good. She pulled those needles OUT OF HER HAND AND STABBED WARD IN THE BACK OF THE NECK WITH THEM. My god
5. Mack. Mack, Mack, Mack. You had the line of the night NAY, season. When Gordon popped in there, and Mack asked who he was, and Gordon responded with “Gordon. Who are you?” and Mack replied “THE GUY WHO KILLS GORDON”
I disagree on point 5. Jiaying did not go Full Nutjob. She went Full Magneto. But the point remains - never go Full Magneto
“ICERs are a good start.” I personally think the dry wit of this season has been a fun highlight.
Best Avenger? Certainly the best cockblocker in the MCU dammit.
And to heck with the cynics. This was a fun double-episode! Like, a lot of fun! Just about everyone had their moment. And Cal had like twenty of them.
Is it bad that I dont care. :(
Coulson really got to do some good directoring in this episode.
What just happen? Like I know we want to talk about all the things that happened in the episode, like Bobbi’s torture, 33’s death, Gordon’s death, Reina’s death, Jaiying’s death, but the ending. The hell man. Its like something out of a horror film, and just when Fitz Simmons was getting together.