Well kof13 is imo still the best fighting game of its generation but that game is slowly dying.
Well kof13 is imo still the best fighting game of its generation but that game is slowly dying.
The sailing itself wasn't that bad for most of the game, at least for me, but when the end of the game turns into a 6-hour fetch quest, where you have to be fishing stuff from the ocean, then it gets really tedious since you have to do most of it on a boat and the fast travel system doesn't do much to help at that…
Looks more like Yun is holding her leg up rather than blocking a kick.
The price of graphics cards doesn't drop in months... You're lucky if you see a price drop after a year with these highest of the high-end cards.
Tell me, how do you dumb down a combat system that relies on like four buttons? There's nothing in Witcher 2's combat system that couldn't be done on a console and it was already ported to 360 without dumbing it down.
Indeed, it is.
I would but I ain't got the muhnees :_(
Plenty of Nausicaä aquarelle paintings in the Viz prints of the Nausicaä manga. I recommend checking those out.
I don't know when Zodd made his debut but I know that Akuma debuted in 1994 in Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Berserk started in December 1990. Over a decade?
What sets those knives apart from other "knife shaped steel"? All of them are mechanically produced pieces of steel shaped like a knife. It's all just branding and advertising and you've bought it. Congrats.
Google's Wii Street U? Why don't they just call it Google's Street Wii U? Then that Wii U name would've made sense even for a second.
So are the HL2 zombies if you only look at pictures of them...
Haha I love the reactions.
Where are the mechanical parts? It's just regular ribs and a skull.
Even the greatest of concept artists, which I certainly think this man is, has room for the ass shot.
Ah, so that's why they never wrote anything about Dishonored after release. They're busy with this thing. I used to check it daily for like a month and then stopped going there since only one article came out in that whole time.
Lol Xiao Hai is also the nick name of one of the best fighting games players in the world.
I thought the male and female character models were the same. Trololol