"Female man cave." This really highlights the stupidity of acting like "having a space for yourself with stuff you like in it" is some gender-specific preference.
Get off my lawn woman I have lived in apartments less than one tenth that side WITH A BIG HAIRY MAN. This woman is just a well organized hoarder.
"female man cave"
Or a Chad.
Driving fast in unaffordable cars on a public road. Instead of...I don't know, getting it stuck in a hedgerow or something like safe people do?
"Rest in peace, Colleen Donaghy. You were 87 years young, 14 in demon years, and you went out of this world like you came into it: wearing a hat."
This made me LOL. Everyone knows we choose what TV station to watch based on their logo. NBC has a peacock, and as a woman, I love that! NBC 4 lyfe!
So he can't tell US-born children apart from undocumented child immigrants?
Does it also grant me the right to wear pants in public and smoke and drink in mixed company? Or is that a separate bill? #notallbills
I feel lucky they allow me to have legs :/
Hollywood actresses: We need more movies about women and PoC.
Don't try to understand Stillwater. Down that rabbit hole, there is only madness.
Being described as a "chubby bundle of puppy fat" would make me straight up chokeslam a bitch. But really, I wonder what Andrew Clark would think of being described as, say, a "gloppy curdle of chicken fat" or a "bumpy bundle of biscuit dough."
I have been waiting for quite a while to bust this one out but:
A lot of people have certain foods that make them feel crappy. For me it's red meat. For others it's dairy. If a food makes you feel shitty, stop eating it and shut up about it (not directed at you specifically, just humanity in general). I think the reason people roll their eyes at non-celiacs who complain about…
I will never tire of that gif. I think it's the way Adam Scott just crumples.