
I do believe it has become the job of pop stars to outrage the public with their stupid music videos in an effort distract us from the fact that everything about them, from their names to their lyrics, are mass manufactured to maximize profits.

And all I can think about is the gang from It's Always Sunny making their own Lethal Weapon.

Printing your name is still considered a signature if you can identify your handwriting if you need to in a court of law. All a signature is is you writing your name. If there was a lost tribe somewhere who writes in Wingdings that would be their signature.


"Dad, for Christmas, can I get hit by a car?"

Andy Warhol style pictures? Isn't there an app for that?

I think 300 proposals should cover it. Then it could be a series of movies starring Ben Stiller.

I dunno…your post sounds a bit too makey-sensey.

A friend of mine and her husband split up two days before Thanksgiving. They basically sat down, looked at each other, mutually decided there was no way either one of them wanted to do the holiday season with each other and visited family separately to deliver the news. I think it was a good idea, hearing my friend

Don't worry, once the new season of Girls starts Jennifer Lawrence will be a speck in the rear view mirror as we barrel down Lena Dunham Appreciation Highway.

My thighs will never change. I could do 10 pushups a day for a month and get results almost immediately. I could do 100 squats every day for a month and have nothing to show for it. Genetics is weird like that. I inherited my dad's upper body and my mom's lower body. I'm Frankenstein's monster!

If there's one thing I know about Dr. Hawass, and I knew a few, is that he loves to yell at people because he believes his own celebrity status gives him the right to do so.

we utilize pee pads for our chihuahua/pug mix. He uses those AND goes outside. He's a tricky one, but we love him.

we utilize pee pads for our chihuahua/pug mix. He uses those AND goes outside. He's a tricky one, but we love him.

Which is weird because it really felt like The Year of Tom Hiddleston.

Notice how whenever an actress tells you why she can't get parts it's never actually the real reason?

I never wanted braces, my mom wanted me to have braces. I was perfectly content with my goofy crooked teeth. In fact, I never wore my retainer and one of my teeth sticks out a little bit again and I love it. Perfect white and straight teeth freak me out.

I don't mean for it to come across as mean-spirited. I'm a reader and a writer and a lover of movies, but there's a cynical part of me that feels Hollywood is always looking for that lazy money-grab instead of taking chances on different ideas. People are still confused as to why the first Moral Instruments movie was

Sometimes I'm gray, sometimes I'm not. I don't understand it at all.