Jules Seluj

So underage players who shouldn’t be in bars to begin with are now banned from being in the bars they shouldn’t be in?

“Henceforth, if you’re going to drunkenly beat the shit out of a woman, do it at a private residence that is not equipped with recording devices. We can make these issues go away as long as there isn’t video evidence. I suspect with this bar ban in effect, I’ll have to kick far fewer players off the team.”

They also considered instituting a ban on hitting women, but they didn't want to go overboard.

And still the NFL ignores the physical toll of repeated concussions....

I got $5 says he is married - but not to her.

Welcome to Kinja, Mr. McMahon.

Right? 'Oh no guys! I looked at the world's blowjob inventory and there are missing blowjobs! We counted them all! A few are missing. Why isn't this cat lady coming up with the missing blowjobs?!"

I don't know why anyone would be obligated to do anything in the bedroom. Penises of the world, no one owes you a blow job, no matter how swell you think you are.

I saw this last week, and the whole thing just enrages me. The fact that she doesn't want to do it but expects men to eat her out (Tracy, you make hella good points about why that's okay, and I'm a lot less pissed about it now but I was seeing red last week). The fucking disgusting misogynistic responses to it, like

The Browns are supposedly eager to put this in the past and are willing to give up their 2014 1st Rounder to make that happen

Not saying the situations were identical but... weren't we as a public just calling for a refs job for that fighter that almost died from a lack of oxygen? I know its his profession, but you have 1 second to make a potential life n death decision. It's not like the fighters are wearing heart monitors


While the video is hard to watch, most likely he suffered a Basilar Skull Fracture, based on the evidence of blood in the eyes, which is visible on the Youtube footage. It's hard to believe that a simple case of taking a bump wrong could kill somebody due to whiplash. However that is apparently what happened. Let me

"I get older, student athletes stay the same age, awwwriiighttt"

Yeah that's definitely not an appropriate thing to say to kids playing hockey. But hey, you sound like you're a sack of shit no matter where you are or what you're doing, so why stop acting that way around impressionable young people?

Actually, it's about ethics in feeling sexually attracted to inanimate sports-related objects.

It's actually more deeply cynical and calculating than that. "I have lots of black friends" is something people say to cover a mistake. "I don't hate gay people I just don't approve of their lifestyle" is a proactive rhetorical tactic people are trained to say *before* they say something bigoted.

"Love the people, hate the crime" is the bigot's version of "But I have a lot of black friends" that racists always seem to say right after they say something racist.

Kevin Durant: "You guys really don't know shit."