Jules Seluj

Not in that picture, it isn't. Now, it's clearly going to move over the line, as it's still going at that point, but it gets blocked before you can see it. It's close enough that if they had called it a goal it would've stayed a goal, but there's no conclusive video evidence to overturn a no goal call.

Ugh. Hopefully he just paid her off, instead of something more sinister. NFL still needs to bring down the hammer.

It does explain why said camera was pointed nowhere near Michael Jackson's face. Is he taking a picture of his shoes?

In case anybody missed it, the FBI released data on the number of crimes in the US in 2012. For Newtown, CT the number of murders is listed as 0. Rather than a mistake or oversight, the tinfoil hat brigade have taken this to mean the FBI is admitting Sandy Hook was a hoax.

I can only assume that, in Kraft's native language, "impologize" has a very different meaning than "apologize."

Not only is it possible, I'd be shocked if that wasn't the case. They probably upped the ransom after he died("in an unrelated incident") or left the country or something. Either that or it's a family member. Whatever the case, I don't think they reslly want him to be found.

The announcer was right. When Herb Dean tried to check on him by lifting his arm, which is the standard protocol, his arm stiffened up...which is what would happen if he was conscious and trying to get out of the hold. So Dean had to look at his face, which unfortunately wasn't very easy to do, to make sure he was

They were trying to get him back in the cage, which he never should've left in the first place. Fighters need to be checked by the doctor, and then they announce the winner, before leaving the cage. I'm guessing those guys didn't have very nice things to say to him, making him not too happy with him. But they were

I thought the same thing, until the boat showed up in the Bahamas. If he was going to make an insurance claim, he would have made sure the boat was never found.

Seriously? You're not even going to post a link to the "it's not actually a Zamboni" story on this story? Hahahahahahaha.

You know what's really pathetic? Cops who think they're above the law.

Given his history, I'm guessing he's a lot more shaken up over the suicide than the murder.

Wow, you are really bad at reading and understanding things. There was no "case" here. It was stating facts. Facts that mysogenistic idiots don't like to read, but they are facts nonetheless.

Why? Should he bring up the Duke lacrosse situation too? That would only be slightly relevant(still not much) if the author had said false rape accusations never, ever, ever happened. If this article had said "there has never been a false rape accusation in the history of mankind" then Brian Banks would be a good

If this is true, I'm done with ESPN. What a fcking joke.

The difference, of course, is that one requires faith in fact while one requires faith in fiction.

We don't know that it is all genetics, but that doesn't mean we know it's not genetics. We're still in the infancy of understanding how genetics work, and just about every study published provides more links between genetics and homosexuality. In either case, not everything that is not genetic is a choice. The one

No. See, this is where people get confused, and I get it. But that's not what homosexuality is. Homosexuality is not an action or a lifestyle. Homosexuality is an attraction. A person can choose to live that kind of lifestyle or not, they can choose to act on their feelings or not, they can choose who they have sex

Well, yeah. I've never heard of anyone being able to choose who they're attracted to or what turns them on. That comes from parts of the brain we can't consciously control. Do you choose to have goosebumps when you're cold, or choose to have wrinkly finger tips when they're wet?

If someone can "choose" which gender they're attracted to, then they're attracted to both...so they're bisexual, not gay.