
Uh, did you check the Eastern Front? They’re usually in the last place you left them

Honestly I really can’t explain why part 2 is the worst, all I know is it’s the only one I played through just once, while part 1 and 3 are on a never-ending play cycle on my PC

Just skip 2. Boom, saved you 100 hours

Looks like his moustache didn’t make it back in one piece

Still better than whoever reviewed Doom for Polygon

They might fix the lag and optimize it but it in terms of content that’s pretty much gonna be it, except for a new map every few years or so

Now playing

Don’t forget about their jetpack-riding firefighters

You can check this website to see if your CPU will bottleneck the graphics card. I was about to pull the trigger on a 1080 when I found out I would have had to spend an extra 500 bucks to get it going

You can check this website to see if your CPU will bottleneck the graphics card. I was about to pull the trigger on

He wasn’t crying, obviously his 3D google prototype scopes became damaged and were leaking electromagnetic fluid

It’s gold

“GARSH DERN FRICKIN’ HECK” according to my lip-reading

It’s funny how he runs his mouth off at random shit he knows nothing about, but if you make a movie and the constellations aren’t in their exact placement according to the time of year the film takes place he goes on a day long twitter rampage

I saw the documentary about that, totally underrated

Also, Subway kinda sucks. People talk shit about avocado sandwiches and whatnot but sandwiches with just a little bit of effort are totes worth the extra couple of bucks. But yeah, fuck them for enabling a child molester.

Best Wu-Tang solo album. Out of all of them. Ever

“Has potential, but needs more development”

I honestly mean no offense, but if you’re addicted to playing a game that you know you shouldn’t be, that sounds like a “you” problem. If someone literally can’t stop playing something that sucks they have problems that go far beyond a shitty video game. It’s not a developer’s responsibility to provide years worth of

My favorite are the people that have 2,335 hours in a game who downvote it because it got boring

That’s fucking deep, he should go on Joe Rogan