
“It’s not that I sucked, and I did suck, its that every QB also sucked in a very particular way that worked with how I sucked such that I lead the conference in interceptions.” Fucking brilliant.

Expert humblebrag

This being high school, his friends would have told me that it doesn’t count if the first time he scored was in the other end.

I feel for the kid. My first pick 6 in high school was foiled by an offensive lineman running me down. Not a good angle, he straight up caught me from behind.

Pretty much. Epstein targeted and glommed on to any person of wealth and status that he could get his grubby mits on. And while most billionaires are shitbird fucks, Gates genuinely seems like a good guy who does good in the world.

I can only speak for myself, but I feel like the brunt of people brunt of people enjoying the Brown’s still sucking is directly related to how much (unearned) hype they had and how much shit they talked through the summer and preseason. I was happy for Browns fans at the end of last season to finally have some

Petty beef has the most flavor.

Hakuna Frittata! Ain’t no passing craze

Nuclear submarine...

What strikes me is how many of the same people that regularly decry the dangers and evils of SOCIALISM — which they usually conflate with COMMUNISM in that they think everybody will get the same paycheck — and then without batting an eye will whine about how paying college athletes will ruin everything and would be a

Wow those catch rules were duuuuuuumb

Yeah but Watson just has the natural born ability to read a defense. That’s god-given.

“His name is Jock Strap King” and “He’s stronger than you think.”

Head down. Knee down. Defenseless player. Only needed to touch him to end the play. Unnecessary tackle. Leading with the helmet. Helmet to helmet. History of dirty hits. Come on, Burfict is the wrong hill to die on.

It wasn’t a late it, it was flagged as “unnecessary roughness.”  Given that the receiver had a knee on the ground and a second defender in the process of touching him down, a full tackle to the head wasn’t necessary and was over the top physically. Hence, the flag. 

If you are relying on the Chargers to execute, you really have only yourself to blame.

My bad - had read article about Dubai’s bid for 2024 Olympics and that country’s name was in my head.

All the lines on this thing look hollow. The roof and beltline look saggy. That’s what happens when you don’t introduce even a tiny amount of crown into lines,they look like they are saggy even though they aren’t. You have to cheat it just a bit to overcome that optical illusion.

If Sendejo had come in to wrap up and tackle instead of turning himself into a human missile, this wouldn’t have happened.

Someone should tell him to stick to sports.