
“proof this community isn’t anything else than a bunch of bitchy and hateful kids”- Hmmm, no.

Maybe the Alfa you have that was built 22 years ago has little to do with the current ones, and yours can be completely reliable while newer ones are piles of shit? I think both are possible,  right? No need to be defensive. I had a perfectly reliable 2005 Cooper S. By all accounts the next generates a piece of trash.

That’s a specious connection, my dude.

At least a season/tourney ban. 

So they cheated during qualifiers and were still allowed to play in the tournament?  Cheating should be a lifetime ban.

The TSA only pulled him off because he contains more than 3.4 ounces of liquid.

As someone who uses After Effects every day at work, there’s a lot of things that are way faster for me to do in after effects than photoshop. everything you do in After effects is inherently non destructive and easily editable, unlike photoshop. and if he’s doing this multiple times it’s really quick to just swap an

Any drive-thru, in front of me:

He’s right about people in general, not just golfers. They don’t think ahead while in line. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a TSA security line and half the people walk up to the podium and only then start pulling out their ID and boarding pass. Or they don’t get out the credit card at the store until all

If you went with MST, that would have landed.

Half of the mlb are FUCKING PUSSIES

This is such an embarrassing anecdote. Top Gun came out in 1986 and I was just in the first year of high school. I saw it and like every red-blooded commie-hating American I wanted to join the Navy and punch a Russian. Years later I was an undergrad at UCLA and still planned to join the Navy when I graduated, but my

Yeah, but what about Tom Cruise?

The oldest active fighter pilot retired in 2015 at age 54, so it’s not like it’s out of the realm of possibility compared to probably everything else that’s going to be in this movie.

“Do you want me to come down fast or slow?”

Cai notes that it is $22M before the dealer says anything. Livingston immediately shoots forward to count the chips after the dealer says $17M. It was pretty obvious to everyone at the table the count was wrong. This is on Sammartino. Zero table awareness.

He’s also managed to survive til the final five, so his payout isn’t gonna be too shabby either. Almost 2 mil I think if he busts next.

I actually used crushed cornflakes this weekend, and it was delish!  My Dollar Tree has started selling these little packs of frozen chicken breast trimmings that make great nuggets.  Defrosted, coated with mayo, then the corn flakes, and into the air fryer they went. Delish nuggets at about $1.25 per serving.  I want

Mayonnaise haters are gonna be triggered as fuck!