
Used $5K worth of caesium, can’t be bothered with $20 safety goggles.

Look how accurate!

My wife has been buying me one of these giant kits for Christmas these past 2 years.

I call bullshit.

Now playing

Um....they build them near oceans because of the potential damage a rocket full of fuel exploding,over,land,could,do.

Here’s what Patrick Stewart will actually look like in 2024.

I took a cruise out of Ames, Iowa. It was beautiful.

Before today, there were a lot of things to say to and about Trump supporters. Some of them funny, some of them mean, some of them silly if they weren’t so sadly accurate. But after this, there’s only one thing to say to anyone who plans on voting for that rancid piece of orange filth: fuck you.

Correction: “*was* an Iraq veteran”

Joe Biden is the fucking man.

Makes think of Big League Chew, which was also popular among 6th graders.

considering the ref threw the flag without even seeing cam do his first down celebration i’m pretty sure the flag was for throwing the football at an opponent

This is the greatest golf of all time. I *love* seeing trash talk and showmanship in a sport that above all else values “gentlemanly behavior”.

You can argue whether taunting should be a penalty or not, but by any definition, that certainly was taunting.

thats your mistake.

Is that really a thing? What kind of anal retentive germaphobe can’t suffer a handshake to show their fellow human beings a little courtesy?

That’s a brutal hit but I don’t see how you could call that anything other than incidental helmet-to-helmet contact.

To bad it’s pointing the wrong way