Also an ill omen for NFL expansion plans.
Also an ill omen for NFL expansion plans.
OMG. Results based analysis says this in an epic troll.
+1 Sideshow Bob ref
“When the beer runs out, the bullshit stops.”
Goat. In the most Wisconsin way ever.
“An AJ Watt”
Not the point. The author played once (and on iOS no less!) and quit. I was waiting for Fortnite snobbery to bubble up from the resentful players who can’t walk and chew gum. This article is their clarion call.
Try squads then.
Trashing on the USMNT because they couldn’t defend an left footed bend from the opposite side that took a 30 degree turn 10 feet in the air is fucking weak. I don’t know anyone on earth who could have defended that.
+1 Sting
Would totally believe everyone had the best interests of the player involved if it weren’t the Patriots.
And then the Browns win!
Those were situational subs and you still see that today. Maddox and Moore would literally alternate every other play.
Tommy Maddox and Shawn Moore alternated for the Broncos for a while in 1992. It sucked.
Hey. Pal. All the way from Minnesota.
“They soaked in the history, as their guide listed the Hall’s five values: commitment, integrity, courage, respect and excellence.”
If you just complain about something without offering an alternative then you’re just bitching.
And your garden can look like Xanadu sans Olivia Newton John!
And your garden can look like Xanadu sans Olivia Newton John!