
You can be an individual without being a dick. Using obviously derogatory and racist words but then denying you're using those words to be racist is just being a dick. Don't be racist. Don't be a dick.

You might get a giggle out of it but the black guy digging your hole would not. Progress doesn't mean "I get to say whatever I want." Progress is to treating others with respect and dignity. Context is key. My black friends call each other (and me) "nigger" sometimes. Doesn't mean I should because the context is

If you had a black guy dig your hole would you say you used a spade? Didn't think so. Redskin as used to identify someone of Native American decent is derogatory whether you think so or not.

imagine the Berlin Shylocks with a big hook nosed Jew as a mascot and you'll start to understand.

Washington Warriors? Or perhaps a name of an actual tribe. Seriously, "redskin" is insulting and doubly insulting that it's Washington. Imagine if Berlin had a team called the Shylocks with big hook nosed Jew counting money as a mascot.

That wound does not look impressed.

As someone in the industry, you ALWAYS assume your mic is hot. Especially if you don't have an IFB. The director does bear some of the blame for putting them on early and apparently with no standby.

Maybe someone from, I dunno, Syria?

Deserving champion. Grinder.

Few of them do. It's hot hauling clubs in Georgia.

I've owned a bunch of flasks but as a gin drinker the best flask I've ever used is a water bottle. Fill it with tanqueray and you're good to go. Ask for a water lots of ice, chug the water and then fill it up. Saved me a ton of money in Vegas.

Because I can hit what I'm aiming at?

Be serious. If you need more than 10 rounds then you need to spend some more time at the range.

First of all, fuck you. I've been around firearms my entire life, teach gun safety and am a competetive shooter. Don't presume to lecture me on "respect" for firearms.

Your attempt to draw parallels between cars and guns is stupid. Have a good night under the bridge, troll.

No other way around some one killing a bunch of kids? Then you give up? If that's life, too bad, move on, then fuck your conception of life. Give up. Too bad for you, Newtown parents. That's life. THAT'S YOUR FUCKING ANSWER?

Jesus. Why not grease a couple of them up and motorboat them? "Serve your chicken breasts and eggplant with a tasty salad." Fuck that! The only thing I serve eggplant and a salad to are rabbits that I then kill and eat.

I'm a gun owner, reloader, competition shooter and have gone camping. Background checks and limiting mag capacity are common sense. 3d printing is just another manufacturing method and therefore deserving of regulation.

Really? You put 20 6 year olds in a pile and say "that's life." Fuck you.