You're right. Guns are designed to kill, especially assault rifles. But that doesn't mean that's their sole reason to exist. I will note the power of assault rifles is capacity not lethality.
You're right. Guns are designed to kill, especially assault rifles. But that doesn't mean that's their sole reason to exist. I will note the power of assault rifles is capacity not lethality.
Seriously? How many time has this been dragged out? Grow up and get a new argument.
Bullshit. People can get 30 round mags because they are legal right across the border. Your point is an argument for more federal regulation, not less.
They don't need to. The printers are just a different method of manufacturing. Manufacturing weapons parts are strictly regulated. They don't regulate the tool, they regulate the parts being manufactured.
The point is it's an inanimate object with no inherent "good" or "evil" qualities. Those are characteristics imparted by the user.
Yeah but most of them are too stupid or the voices start telling them other crazy shit to do. The point is to make it more difficult - even if it's a couple minutes. Look at the Central Florida suicide. When he knew his plans were screwed, he shot himself instead of a bunch of other people.
Well, a third of them have Blackberries now. So they're mostly harmless.
True that. Genetics, environment, drug interactions, phase of the moon, etc. The one thing that is true is allergies are under researched, under funded and only a few steps away from witchcraft in terms of treatment efficacy. Or I'm bitter no one can figure mine out.
Yep. I was eposed to everything growing up and am now allergic to, well, everything. My brother who had similar exposure isnt allregic ti anything. The theories of "how I didn't get allergies but you did" are tantamount to old wives tales at best. Get some science.
As a child of the 80s, I can testify. It's right on. Only thing missing pic hot pink double blade wipers on the Falcon but I guess even the artist has moral boundaries.
Denzel is many things but "young" is not one of them.
Then who else would place such a large order? No one. It isn't Wal Mart or McDonalds or the Chinese army.
The US DoD employs over 3 million people and a budget of $420 billion dollars.
Iron Man/ Tony Stark I would do a before and after; Hennessy and then AA.
Jim Rome gets his own monument. Like Crazy Horse.
What, exactly, in chicken would cause a heart attack? Yes, the frying part is bad for you in large quantities but there is nothing in the meat portion that is harmful.
It's all meat. It's all edible. The controversy is stupid. It's chicken sausage. BFD.
Depends on the unit of measure. If your unit is, say Universes (U), then you could say the Universe is exactly 1U. The diameter of our solar system in U is so statistically insignificant that it doesn't really matter.
Agreed. His Art Deco/Russian propaganda sets were absolutely menacing.
Yep. Sugar.