
It’s the story arc we never got closure on.

Eh, by the time we met Tommen, he was already an adult so it’s not quite the same. I think a better comparison is Bran. Imagine if Bran wasn’t the three-eyed raven and did something like this. Personally, I would have the same feelings.

As a microbiologist, this is something that has been an issue since Fleming first discovered penicillin. In recent years, there hasn’t been enough done to address this issue and it is something that probably will take some kind of global catastrophe to address (unfortunately).

It should show up in the Slot for sure or be crossposted here. What does political leanings have to do with this massacre? 

So that’s the same as OJ wanting to go to college to party?

Um but if they are in tombs or sarcophagi, then do they have enough strength to exit? Also, with the exception of Ned, who is just a pile of bones, everyone else should have fully decomposed by this point. 

Tommen Baratheon isn’t someone we grew up with and actually liked from the beginning. It’s hard to care about someone when you don’t care about them.

Is that in the books or did they mention that on the show as well?

Considering Jon told Dany seconds before shit was about to go down, it’s not clear what Jon actually thinks of having the most legitimate claim to the throne. He is obviously troubled by last week’s revelation all episode. He’s a bit more cold towards Dany (rightfully so!) and we never see what he thinks of the claim.

It’s a very strange feeling I had. She’s very much an adult doing adult things like murder,traveling, and spying, but there’s something a bit strange seeing her wanting sex. Perhaps I missed her longing for romantic affection (i.e. sex) in previous episodes, but I think the reason I was surprised was because the show

Ed Balls

Two questions:

I will take any excuse to post Julie Andrews gifs. She is a goddman national treasure!

What if it’s a company trip and you have no option? Try being a bit more open-minded.

This is why I don’t want room service. I just want my privacy.

Yeah I tip my stylist at Christmas. I heard it’s like an end-of-the-year appreciation thing.

Son, is that you?

Get that bag from Mary Poppins.

The older I get, the more I realize that’s the truth. The first thing I ask people is what did you eat. I don’t care if you saw Notre Dame before it caught fire. Tell me about that late night dinner at that random place you found!

If you ask him, he would say it’s RC Buford.