
Nobody’s asking you to be pleased. Democracy is what it is, and what it is happens to be frustrating as hell for people who advocate on behalf of progressive reforms, even in the best of times. You either learn that lesson and work tirelessly toward what frustratingly little could be accomplished or you piss and moan

Do not compare likely running mates Kamala Harris, Val Demmings, Stacy Abrams, or Liz Warren with Sarah Palin. This isn’t about tokenism, and this isn’t about bringing in some cornpone cover girl because she’s pretty and sassy. This is about bringing in a serious intellectual with solid experience and national

No one announces their VP pick until they’ve already won the nomination, but either way: while Warren was my top choice for POTUS, at this stage in the game it wouldn’t be a smart choice to put her on the ticket. We can’t risk losing her seat in Massachusetts now. The republican governor in MA has an extremely high

Biden’s hope is that with a woman at his side, liberal voters will forget about the time he tried to gut contraception coverage in the Affordable Care Act and his support of the Hyde Amendment, in addition to his obvious inability to stop belittling the women he comes into casual contact with.

I had to go to the supermarket this afternoon. There were whole aisles devoid of merchandise (canned foods, produce, poultry - you all know). Then I got home to find “the president” telling me that there are no shortages at America’s grocery stores.

I mean you can’t write about this stuff without writing about OM, though—their success is what paved the way for all this other shit, and got the industry so excited about heaping millions of dollars on membership-based offices. If the trend is “pay some more for superior care,” they’re still in there. Is it fucked?

This is why I’ve literally never been able to take French criticism that Americans are too “prudish” seriously. I remember on a school trip to Paris taking the Metro and the locals basically grinding up against female classmates, and then acting like it was a mistake if they turned around the face them. Like, it was

“At the time, people talked of inciting a minor to debauchery, or indecent assault...But nobody ever spoke of crime,”

orrrr five more kids to start their own doomed and noble house...! hehehe

beloved Timothée

So we’ve got Frances McDormand, Willem Dafoe, Anjelica Huston, Adrien Brody, Benicio del Toro, Jeffrey Wright, Tilda Swinton, Bill Murray, Owen Wilson, and holy shit, Henry Winkler in a Wes Anderson film... and you’re going to watch it for “French Timmy”? I admire this kid’s career choices greatly, but yikes compared

I mean he did have pretty crap parents.

tell me the funniest career pivot you can imagine for Prince Harry

Hey, at least we can see Burns. That’s +1 over Jezeus.

Yeah no, I’m with Jessica. Not that I think they’re of the devil or whatever, but it is really uncool to attempt to derail a woman talking about her experience with sexual abuse and alcoholism. Stay on topic, protestors. When she talks fashion you can interrupt.

Oh, the genuine naivete of 20 year-olds. Most 20 year-olds think no one understands them, but just try telling them that!

This is exactly why I try to stand up for my beliefs only though hatred. 

She could have opted for the classic, “Jesus preaches love, and I’m here with you in love.”

There goes Joan summer, once again carelessly releasing the unspeakable horrors ...