Yes, yes let him promise the moon for all I care. Then we all watch as he gets as high as the top of his “hair”.
Yes, yes let him promise the moon for all I care. Then we all watch as he gets as high as the top of his “hair”.
Very true. It’s been a while since I’ve looked into that topic, but when I was involved in it, no one knew why this happens. Some people speculate chemicals on the frog’s skin may help combat the fungus. If it was a problem 10 years ago when I was involved and it’s still a problem now, that’s not a good thing.
Right. So you have never judged anyone ever, which is why you’re being so sanctimonious right now, correct? There’s nothing harmful about judging from afar. It’s also referred to as people watching.
The fans actually look better than I thought they would.
I’m sorry to hear that. You know, she’s not really gone if she still lives in your head. :) I recently lost my grandma and though it’s been tough, there were many happy memories and things that reminded me of her to prevent me from completely losing it.
That person said she had her partners tested before having sex, which is much different than kissing.
Yes you can, but it’s better than not doing anything. The point is to be proactive.
There’s this fungus that’s fucking with amphibian, not just frog, populations all over the planet. It’s caused the destruction of populations while leaving others unaffected. Bad stuff, amigo.
That was the whole fucking twist!
ITEM: Frogs are undergoing a catastrophic global die-off. You hate to see that.
Considering she’ll be fine no matter what happens, it’s hard to feel that sorry for her.
Don’t panic? Clearly we have differing opinions (cool) and I would not just be nonchalant about it. However, I’m glad we agree upon prophylactic measures to, try to, prevent any instance of it happening. I don’t want no permenant roommate living in/on my junk/body.
Yeah treatable ones aren’t, what I would consider, major.
Yeah, as a fellow Texan, it’s really hard to just give it up entirely. Who among us hasn’t made terrible decisions while impaired? What’s that? CFA closes early. *Eh hem* Who among us hasn’t started drinking at 10 AM on a Wednesday.
My best friend’s grandma occasionally watches his kids. He says she just lets them have whatever they want so he and his wife come home to empty boxes of Oreo’s and whatnot. They are not to be trusted.
I’m sure it’s one of those unwritten rules. *jackoff motion*
You don’t know me so you would never know if I was judging you in real life, fellow internet person. I don’t think you what “reading comprehension” means. Work on it, shawty.
That’s a good rule to have. And I can still respect a person regardless of what they’re wearing otherwise I would be out of a job. It’s called being professional.
I get that they are literally not sweatpants, but in my mind they are equivalent to “I can’t be bothered to find actual clothing for the lower half of my body.”
I think “Brodie” should def be one of the names.