Born and raised in San Antonio. Never ever had flour enchiladas which leads me to believe...
Born and raised in San Antonio. Never ever had flour enchiladas which leads me to believe...
Or if you’re Tim Duncan, you don’t need to say anything.
I really wonder if she’ll do much jail time. I figure the rich will whittle whatever sentence they receive to just a slap on the wrist.
Thank you! Fantastic username, BTW.
One part of this blog I can’t understand is the queerbaity part. Perhaps I am naive, but the movie says they were best friends before the crash. To me, it’s only natural to want hang out with your best friend’s kid and try and help raise it if your best friend is a single parent.
I didn’t know Ronald Weasley wrote music. Cheers!
It’s like a dangerous game of Red Light-Green Light
I was unsure of how a show could keep me interested when the plot is a person relives the same night over and over again, but it was done very well. The characters, scenery, dialog, and other things gave this short season more oomph.
I have not played Devil May Cry 5 and have no idea what it’s about, but I’m really interested after seeing thicc Nico.
Is that their fault? Or is it that the US has a far superior women’s soccer upbringing than men’s soccer?
Absolutely correct. They’re fucking winners. They deserve to be paid like winners. Plus, we should care more about them than the men team’s inept, pathetic, sorry-asses.
Exactly. My commute is 45 minutes of, mostly, highway driving and I would rather sleep on a fart can than drive.
Kindly fuck right off with your pretentious comment.
Yeah I’m really surprised this hasn’t shown up in The Slot, at least. Then again, the Oscars just NEEDED to be covered because clicks. The schadenfreude is so hot right now.
+1 Requiescat in pace
Too soon, man. Show some damn respect!
Anything for the Selenas!
Dat baleen tho. Also, love me some narwahls. They are the unicorns of the sea!
I mean, were they sperm whales?
What’s the American Dream reversed? Whatever it is, that’s Mike.