
Dude, never feel guilty about playing a video game. Fuck what anyone else thinks. If you enjoy playing, that’s all that matters.

Great interview, Maria. As a Texan (SA), many of us are brainwashed to believe our state is perfect and that our revolution was just and heroic. It wasn’t until later in life that these ideas of mine were challenged and I now I have a different, more nuanced perspective of my state’s history.

Check this out. This comment has been starred 2(dogs)69(ing off in the distance) times!

Unfortunately, it was the latter.

Knew a guy that hooked up with this gal that peed during sex because she couldn’t hold it in. The worst part was she didn’t tell him until the next day after they slept in said waterbed. Gross.

sounds like I should. I keep hearing good things about it.

Oh good, look at that.

If I had a scale/balance, I would prob be more for it. Maybe.


As a scientist, I agree.


Fuck me. The misses and I are moving to Decatur in a few months. I have no idea about those highways you mentioned, but I assume I’ll be fucked anywhere I live, right?

I’m moving to Atlanta in a couple of months...

TBH, I would love to be owned by Fed.

Well that joke didn’t land well. You right, you right.

Nah, man. When you are the minority or are not in power, it’s totes okay to make fun of the people in power. It’s called punching-up.

“Actually, KD is totally above the negative comments and has 8-pack abs. If I were as rich as him and had 8-pack abs, I wouldn’t care what anyone says, just like how he doesn’t care about comments like yours. 8-pack abs.

Slightly agree. That mouth reminds me of Eric, but her overall look is lightyears better than tough wiseguy, Eric.