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    Did you bother reading and using common logic to understand the point, or just spouted that out for not reason? Cause it doesn't make you look any smarter, or funnier.

    It's a joke. You're not actually supposed to use Siri for story telling.

    It's not really as hard to use as one would think. And it's pretty smoth, at least for the A4. I'm very impressed and it's also pretty cool how you don't have to pay again for it if you had it for the iPad.

    Are you guys sure this isn't a parody?

    I heard about this not so new product, the iDiot, for some reson you seem to be an expert in that one...

    Haven't missed it on my iPhone, wouldn't miss it on this gorgeous looking phone.

    People using Tablets isn't just lazyness or something to blame people's stupidity on. On the other hand people sticking to things that make them less productive for their needs just to save some dollars that would pay themseleves with extra time for work in many cases, now that I would deem as stupid. But hey, a

    Not everyone has either the time, the money or the will. iPad sales don't lie. The general public wanted easy to use stuff and that's what they got, regardless of your selfish, if you will, opinion on what's better for everyone's needs.

    You're tech savy. Most people in the world are not, and a handful of them prefer to pay more for a way-too-easy-too-use-OS. It isn't that hard. And it's quite understandable when you have people than after having a computer for over 3 years didn't know what minimize a window meant or how to do it, now my mom is

    It's still in beta though, I think it works amazingly well. I do hope they'll improve the voice and make it sound more natural soon.

    Hit me up when it exists.

    I really can't wait to try Siri out. I was sure they had put some humor into it, and after this video I honestly can't wait to ask her some questions.

    Except no one was asking you to give up your precious phone in the first place, all that defensiveness was uncalled for. Like I said, I was simply saying that Siri remains superior to Android's voice commands. Calm down, it's just a phone. You sound even worse than those "Apple fan boys", it's concerning.

    That's exactly what makes it different. And deeper OS integration. And well, since I'm at it, nicer UI. I'm sure Google will come up with something to match it up in no time, but it's misleading to say it's there already.

    Can't wait to try it out.

    No, it can't. Sorry.

    They should simply make 2 differently sized iPhones...

    What? That comparision isn't even relevant to this. The whole purpose was to show the 3.5 inch screen is more comfortable to use when holding it with one hand, and it is since you can reach most of it.


    iCloud is pretty cool too.