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    Google will probably release an app with everything they didn't include or weren't let include in the Maps app, like directions, latitude and more branding. It's good to have a choice.

    They're clearly trying to win people's trust. Everything a company does has a purpose and the purpose of these videos, if there are more, is to make people think they are an open and trustworthy company cause for whatever reason they don't think the trust levels are as high as they should be.

    Such an incredible looking building. It screams future and they didn't have to make it ridiculously, record breaking, tall to achieve that.

    Idiots to the very core.

    Ok, this is actually a great idea. From the automatic unfollowing after 24 hours, to the "Lady Gaga meter;" I love everything about it.

    Doubt it. But it'd be cool.

    First, second, third, fourth… generation iPad.

    And how are you gonna put a NFC ad on a billboard and expect it to work exactly?

    Metro has most definitely put Microsoft on the right track. It's truly a great UI and it's going to blow up with Windows 8 the way WP7 couldn't and should have. The guys at Apple better have something good up their sleeves.

    I guess very rare case would be the correct term, up to now anyways.

    Nice try. Megaupload was more than a blatant online piracy outlet as you're trying to put it. What the feds did is just as wrong as me throwing your computer out of the window cause you downloaded one single illegal song.


    My point was that your logic of not doing things because there's a small risk to them is ridiculous, and that was beyond clear. Nice try trying to take it somewhere else. Have fun missing on things.

    Reasons why I won't ever cross a street… PEOPLE SOMETIMES GET HIT BY CARS!

    ICS? How was ICS relevant at all this year. You're trying so hard. The Nexus was completely irrelevant this year, in fact, the only Nexus that really made a significant impact was the original one…

    A golden star for Mr. Obvious here.

    How was the Galaxy Nexus important this year? If anything it's been overshadowed by all the other greater Android devices, even with their older Android versions. The Kindle is the first tablet to be a real competitor for the iPad so that one we can agree on. How ever saying that the MacBook Air wasn't influential

    I don't think you understood my comment. It wasn't innovative, but it's not what's being asked in the poll. Now if what you're trying to say is that the iPad 2 wasn't important in tech this year then we'll have to disagree.

    I never said Microsoft has done anything wrong with WP7, in fact they've done everything just right which is why I don't understand why it hasn't taken off. Intergration isn't going to push people to buy WP7. People bought Macs after buying iPhones because of features that either worked better on a Mac or simply

    Important isn't equal to innovative. Reading is essential, but comprehending even more.