
Think to yourself: "Am I expecting a package?" If the answer is "no", it's probably a scam. 

Taryn, honey..... just take your fucking meds. 

If someone asserts something (like a core belief of mine not being true), then it’s up to them to prove it with credible evidence from credible sources.  It’s not up to me/others to prove it for them.  

And teach your dog “STOP”. If your dog’s like mine, he doesn’t completely get that not every dog wants to play-fight/wrestle/have him jump up in their face immediately upon greeting them. Or sometimes he just plays a little too rough and needs some assistance listening to another dog’s correction (bark, yelp, warning

I see pickle relish here, but can’t believe you missed chopped-up sweet gherkin pickles.  I use pickle relish because I’m lazy, but there’s nothing like the gherkins in tuna salad in place of celery or onions (both of which should be banished to a far corner of Hell, but I digress).  

And add to it that he was an informant for the Feds well-prior to all of this as well.  That’s going to keep his dance card full while he’s in the clink.  

If people think she’s fucking around, just look up what Snoop had to say about the time she summoned a bunch of rappers to her house to discuss their lyrics:


That Oatmeal post made me chuckle :) I prefer Miracle Whip over mayo, but I’ll take mayo because most restaurants/delis/etc. just have mayo.

If this is going to be anything like “WAP”, then I need to renounce atheism, locate a nearby church, and talk to a pastor well ahead of its release.

But why make mayonnaise when you can just go buy Miracle Whip, which is vastly superior? 

And yet, after the dust settles, they’ll both still be drawing breath.......

Like what do they expect will happen if people are pulled over?

I think I misunderstood “their vehicle” to mean the car of the girl they beat up, not their own vehicle.  Your explanation and Woke Up Dead’s make more sense.  

Ah, I must’ve gotten things mixed-up there. Thanks for clarifying!

Liggon and another girl allegedly beat on the 16-year-old who didn’t intially fight back. However, when Liggon and her friend entered their vehicle, the 16-year-old lunged at her with a pocketknife.”

If you want to get close enough to a radioactive wild boar to douse it with water to see what happens, I’ve got your back.

Multiply that unlimited bill by the $0 that Trump’s going to pay......

If a kid’s keeping a secret like this from their parents, the parents should ask themselves why their kid didn’t feel like they could come to them about it rather than bitching about the school/teachers respecting that kid for who they are.  

Yeah, especially if it’s an abusive situation at home and the kids might catch all sorts of emotional and physical hell for things they say and do at school that don’t hurt anyone else, right?