
Kind of like Yoda in “The Empire Strikes Back”: do or do not, there is no try.  Just turn it off if you want to get rid of it.  Someone programmed it into the app/software, just comment it out or hit the switch and bam/balls/done.  

This is definitely the technology that we all needed to have unfettered access to.  

I shant hold my breath waiting for all of these reich-wingers to field a team and go up against the USWNT to show them just how poorly they play because of wokeism.  

I wish I had more stars to give.  

There are easier ways to watch TOH than breaking your leg, y’know.

But what else am I going to watch with my spouse so that we can judge people on their tacky choices, annoying complaints, and complete inability to see past a coat of paint to change things up?  

This is yet another missed opportunity for the Dems heading into an election year. The message needs to be loud and clear:

He “comes from an era”? A Google search says he’s 43; I’m 46, came from the same era apparently, and I don’t have a problem with trans people whatsoever. Must just be a cheap excuse for not liking trans people, I guess.

“He was getting aggressive.”

True, but what don’t we know?  

So we’re just going to pretend like Ginuwine’s “Pony” was never released?  Wikipedia’s got the single as being released on July 30, 1996, and to quote Rob Sheffield it was the summer song that murdered all other summer songs, buried them, and then licked the shovel.  

I loved her on SNL, especially “Hot Girl Hospital”.  That’s all.  

Waiting for whatever dirt is out there on Jim Caviezel comes to light.

BUt thEy WeRe jUSt AskINg QuEStionS......

Did we just have a rational and level-headed discussion about a sensitive topic on the internet? I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to go....

Of course this comes from a Republican.  Doing the most work for the least amount of people, and never missing an opportunity to stick it to women/BIPOC/anyone who’s not a straight, white, rich, Christian male.  

Marketable to who?  Something tells me that the slaves weren’t exactly able to apply for jobs at different plantations to see who’d give them the most money and the least amount of abuse for their skills.  

It seems to me that these are more instances of “making lemonade out of the world’s most horrible lemons” rather than “they gained a benefit”.  It may be a fine difference, but a difference all the same.  

Not for nothing, but couldn’t everyone just outrun the killer sloth?  

Let’s blame it on the writer’s strike, maybe the marketing just came together and they didn’t have anyone good to put together a tagline for it.