
They’ve started including landmark notifications but it’s not consistent.  I’ve heard a few “in 800 feet, turn right on X Street by the Jimmy John’s” a few times, but it’s pretty hit and miss so far.  I like it, tho, especially if there are a few possible turns close to each other and doing a lot of back-and-forth

If it’s going to be anything like the second ‘Wonder Woman’ - please, don’t.  

I didn’t even know that Blue Beetle had been released.....

Let’s be honest, tho: if it wasn’t abortion, they’d find some other reason to argue against it.  This is just two birds with one stone.  

Here’s hoping that it means he’s got less money to run a campaign with, but we all know that his deplorable base of followers would mortgage their homes and sell their children for him.  

I don’t know if that’s quite the analogy you want to use, as getting tossed over the edge of the Grand Canyon would likely result in severe injury if not death.  

The fuck......did I take a left turn somewhere?  Did Google Maps fuck up on me again?  What did I stumble into before noon on a Tuesday?  

Yeah, Google Maps can't orient itself without at least a few feet of travel and it bugs me, too. I'll start moving add then the app figures out in heading in the wrong direction than what it intended. 

So you've got Maps settings for 'Navigation Settings - Voice Over Bluetooth' turned off? 

It’S WhaT ThE FounDINg FaThErS WAnTed!!!!!!!

Keeping the map always facing north is a sign of a psychopath. This is a scientific fact that I just made up, and it cannot be debated.

“The new African-American standards in FL are good, robust, & accurate. That being said, the attempt to feature the personal benefits of slavery is wrong & needs to be adjusted”.

I don’t know if they really “found out”; the song shot up the charts thanks to the rabid base of bigoted fans that love shit like this.  Excuses or not, it’s the square root of Morgen Wallen - Aldean didn’t come right out and say the n-word, but he’s bigger now because of the controversy.  

And has any reporter asked “so what scholarly evidence are you citing? Examples, plz.”?

Damn it, I always mess up the details.  The “Rob”, of course, was intentional but the rest I could’ve simply verified through a Google search.  

Elon Musk is trying so fucking hard to sound smart by just using nebulous language; it’s the type of shit a freshman-level Philosophy 101 student would try and say to sound intelligent, then get shut down by someone who’s actually educated and knows something about what they’re talking about.  

This is completely false.

Unrelated question: does anyone have a good, reliable guillotine laying around that they’re not using?  

This is a cry for help.  We’re here for you, just reach out.....

Thoughts and prayers......