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I hope they sue for emotional distress and additional separation anxiety over the guns. That’s the 4th and the 2nd Amendments violated right there.

Any minute now the NRA is going to release a statement denouncing the police for violating his 2nd and 4th amendment rights...any minute.

Wait, they never sent the suspected drugs for testing?

I don’t believe the Democrats will do this, but the absolute nightmare scenario for Republicans would be if Nancy Pelosi announced she would no longer be leading the House Democrats and waited until October to announce it. A lot of Republicans are going to base their entire campaigns  on vilifying Pelosi, and

I hope Schumer and Pelosi paid attention tonight. This woman is the future.

What are the odds that this woman would gush over white kids selling lemonade.

I think its time to be serious about what’s happening behind these locked doors. There’s no reason to deny access to government officials unless you’re doing something seriously fucked up. You know what’s actually happening to them. take away the ‘tur’ and you might get a sense of what these ICE/Prison Management

They will win this fight, because they have no souls.

I only partially agree. The restaurant should take their orders and then ignore them. When the Kirstjen Nielsens of the world grow impatient and demand to know where their food is, it will be explained to them that the restaurant has delivered it to a local homeless shelter (on behalf of the Trump administration) and

You know who also has disrupted dinners? Children that are taken away from their parents.

Someone needs to smash this guys face all the through and out his ass.

People should simply refuse to serve them. Let’s see these Trump fucks try to fend for themselves when they don’t have people working hand and food to cook and clean and wipe their asses for them.

Particularly with their ruling on owner tip-stealing. They are positively BEGGING for some seriously special seasoning!

Oh, no. It’s totally right. And not just Latino Restaurants. EVERY RESTAURANT IN AMERICA should be doing this to them, non stop. Spit. piss. urin. fromunda cheese. vaginal discharge. eczema flakes. anal leakage. toe jams. belly button lint. nail clippings. ingrown hairs. all of it should be in any meal

There’s no excuse for them not to be screamed out of every public space in DC. Start printing flyers with their faces and NOT WELCOME written below.

They can apply for entry into these restaurants, but they’ll be separated from their meals until the paperwork has been accepted.

If I were a member of this administration I would stay away from a lot of restaurants, especially from Latin Restaurants, I would fully expect mucus, urine, semen, etc... in my meals. Not saying it is right but it is a possibility.

She honestly went to a Mexican restaurant? That’s...a choice.

Civil Disobedience in action. You need a filed-to tag of “Things that should happen more.” Until these issues are addressed and resolved with people no longer getting thrown into camps and parents and children staying together, I think we shouldn’t let any of these asshats into any establishment or business that