
I understand that he was a shitty person, but I can’t celebrate anyone dying this way knowing there are so many other young and dumb as hell idiots out here beefing, fighting, and starting shit for the sake of looking like the toughest rapper on the internet. The internet beef and shit talking just got very real for

I keep waiting to hear this news about Zimmerman.

Good lord, Candace Owens. I had the (mis)fortune to hear some of her interview with Joe Rogan, and she is dumber than a fencepost. They were discussing climate change and she was deadset on “it’s a hoax to take money away from America”. Joe brought up that 97% of scientists were in agreement that humans are causing

If someone from Fox News were to announce to that crowd, “We’re selecting three new opinion hosts today, but you must fight each other to the death to win a slot,” would Tomi Lahren use a gun or a knife to kill off the three winners?

Conservatives aren’t ignored, they are whiners.

Of course there are old white guys. Someone has to tell the ladies how to think about things.


I am sick to fucking death of these dumb cunts - who have all the privilege and power they could possibly want - whining about “not being heard.” Fuck off, the lot of you.

Buncha Serena Joy types, the lot of ‘em. They’re fine with their place in the status quo because at least they have a place, so fuck you, they got theirs.

This comment made me snort laugh out loud. A lot of the vibe I’ve been getting from these conferences seems to be profiting off of and exploiting the discomfort that college and young conservatives feel when their values are challenged. They just come off as whiny to me. I don’t believe that political discourse should

Nuts and Crackers Conference.

What saddens me the most? They’ll breed. They’ll hook up with some ‘never paid attention in class; bullied others; daddy got me my job; scumbag’ and they’ll raise the most annoying set of entitled brats this side of Stepford

It’s basically a “can i speak to the manager” incubator.


Nuke these bitches.

A new generation of assholes has realized that they can wildly profit off of the ignorance and general stupidity of a group of people.

Don’t forget whiteness. Now that white people have to occasionally compete with POC and don’t automatically know that they will always come out on top, they are also feeling persecuted.

I’m trying to find someone in that picture who isn’t white. I think I spotted Waldo, but otherwise it’s wall to wall crackers. Should have called it the Nuts and Crackers Conference

“...about a thousand conservative women in their teens and early twenties turned up to chant “Lock! Her! Up!”

The cognitive dissonance comes from the persecution myth central to Evangelical Christianity. It fetishizes martyrs and considers “spiritual warfare” to be a literal thing that actually happens. They believe they are persecuted for their faith not only when they don’t get their way, exactly, but also whenever they