
No one is asking her to apologize, because no one has thought about her in years.

using his kid makes it extra slimy- like he’s the innocent loving father who laughs with his kid at the ridiculous comedy woman. so gross.

I love how LITTLE the original photo was edited to produce this image.

God, that picture. It looks like she’s thinking, “This fucking moron” and crying inside remembering what it was like when Obama was there.

This is so fucking disgusting and so, so harmful to any and all diplomatic negotiations the US will have going forward. He completely half-assed the summit, came in late, made some ridiculous claims about wanting Russia to join again (because don’t it already look like you’re colluding, Donnie?), acted like a child

Why would someone drive miles from their home to march with Nazis? Because as they admitted in their e-mails they were there to start a race war.

Exactly. He set hearts ablaze with his heroics.

Did the guy who fired a damn gun during that get convicted of anything?

Did the guy who fired a damn gun during that get convicted of anything? Corey Long was probably more likely to seriously hurt himself (or their stupid flags) than any of them with that “flamethrower.” They were at a distance where only running directly into the flame could have hurt them. I was really hoping the court

However, the judge in the case determined that Long’s actions were dangerous to the public and sentenced him 360 days in jail, but suspended all but 20 days. The now 24-year-old will also be made to complete 100 hours of community service.

So what does this idiot judge expect him to do? Be docile and let this nazi motherfucker kill him? Fuck this judge, fuck the feckless cunt police and fuck the DA too!

He’s literally staving off a mob of violent white terrorists.

But the actual Nazi we saw shooting a gun at this kid in another video is going to get what? The key to the city? A job with Charlottesville PD? A weekend show on Fox News? This whole fucking country is a disaster.

Not all heroes wear capes. This guy is fire!

Look at those tubs of rancid mayo swinging their confeduhrate flags like weapons as they approach an old man.

20 days is still too much for exercising your right to self-preservation, especially when law enforcement has abandoned you.

However, the judge in the case determined that Long’s actions were dangerous to the public

Trump’s put more thought into his own pending pardon than in Alice Johnson’s.