
Hey, if they weren’t willing to accept the repercussions of getting detained against their will in America, raped, and forced to carry the child to term ... then they shouldn’t have fled the gang violence and rape of their Central American country of origin. Wait, that sounds bad.

Let’s be honest: what are the odds that this woman is actually real?

He was attending a Catholic university. If any of those women had an abortion, why would they tell some crusading wide eyed barely adult zealot that they did a thing that could result in them losing their job?

Also, having had an abortion at 16, I’m pretty sure it has contributed to my success.

I’m 100% certain that there was a not-zero number of female professors, administrators, and the like at his school who had had abortions in their younger days, who, more likely than not, would not be in those positions if not for the abortions. It’s just the law of large numbers.

The thing is...I am absolutely more successful today than I would have been if I hadn’t had an abortion at 16. It was the smartest choice I could have made, not to mention I didn’t want to have a baby. 

listen, compare to abortions, Holocaust was good times.

But at least the children raped by his subordinates will be forced to carry their own child to term even though their bodies aren’t ready to give birth! That’s... fucking horrifying.

Yeah. There isn’t an adequate vocabulary for how fucked up this wingnuttery is.

“By making the choice to have sex, a woman is making a conscious decision to engage in an act that has the natural result of creating a pregnancy”

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.

“The Jews who died in the Holocaust had a chance to laugh, play, sing, dance, learn, and love each other.”

The man who cited the Holocaust now runs an archipelago of concentration camps for children. Get lost, you fucking hypocrite.

Like he’s gonna sit there and tell us that every time he’s had sex, he was 100% making a lifelong commitment. Bull. Shit.

I sort of doubt that abortion was a key step on their path to success.”

It’s been a thing for quite a while.

False rape allegations were actually a common tool used to either imprison or justify violence against black men and black communities during the time this story was written. See Scotsboro Boys, Rosewood Massacre, Emmett Till (who wasn’t accused of rape, but was murdered because a woman lied and said that he whistled

I don’t understand this comment.

Dang. Brilliant source material, brilliant writer/director, top-notch cast. Take my money.

Oooh, I wanna see this! I don’t think I’ve read the book yet; damn, am I getting so old that I don’t remember if I’ve read stuff or not???

This is going to be beautiful and heartbreaking.