
I’m sorry, but anyone who makes more than solidly-middle-class me, while paying less taxes, is by default a bad guy.

I face palm over what Alyssa Milano is wearing!

YUP. And the Alyssa Milano/Georgina Chapman combo is just too much for my post-MeToo mind to fathom.

I find that hard to believe about Siriano (but also too lazy to look). He has made a brand of scrapping conventional approaches to fashion design in all ways, I find it hard to believe he’d want to hide his origins for some “you only make it in fashion if you make it this certain specific way that usually involves

It started to go downhill when the switched up the judges. Nina, Michael and Heidi were the best combo.

is Austin Scarlett still designing bridal?

Yes happy to hear! Just finished the All Stars season and I cringed everytime I saw that Weinstein credit. Funny, for years I never even noticed it.

I just read that article and these paragraphs really jumped out at me:

America’s trading partners “need to pay more because they’re using socialist price controls, market access controls, to get unfair pricing,” said Mr. Azar

I will not yield. Not one second. Not one second.

I would agree with everything you said accept saying that race isn’t as much an issue. Speaking as as Black man, when you enter (White) spaces that people think you don’t belong in, you would have no idea how odd, ignorant or outright volatile they react.

If we allow black women to sleep, then we allow black women to dream. Can’t have that.

God hate really does make you ugly. Why is it always the dumpiest looking girls

Yes it is. I’m a CT local. And racist incidents among the so-called progressive crowd don’t surprise me in the least.

I love how we’re too dumb to be an actual Ivy League student but somehow we are sneaky enough to fake school IDs and move into a dorm room we dont belong in. Contradiction and hypocrisy are the shampoo and conditioner of white peoples’ bullshit

“Incidents like that of last night - I am talking about that sleeping, shiftless, black woman, remind us of the continued work needed to make Yale a truly inclusive place for white women, like the true hero of our story, Karen in dorm A.,” Cooley wrote. “I am committed to redoubling our efforts to build a supportive

Becky McWhitetears needs to get herself some business. You’re that pressed about a Black student napping in a common area? You’re at Yale. Read a book. Do some homework.

Isn’t it in the same state where another Becky McWhitetears basically tried to kill her roommate with biohazards and only got a slap on the wrist and nothing on her permanent record?

And this isn’t even the first time! Terrorizing fellow students and wasting the time of the police (this ranks so very low on my list of priorities, but if there were ever to be consequences for her bleached ass, this would be the deciding factor I’m sure) demonstrating clearly that she is a disrupting factor on

And yet Becky McWhitetears will face no consequences from the university or police.