
Adidas CEO Kasper Rorsted told Bloomberg on Thursday saying the company would do no such thing. “Kanye has been and is a very important part of our strategy and has been a fantastic creator.”

About time. I’ve been hearing shitty stories about how the USFS treats women for 40 years.

If McCain has an art history degree, she should too. A solid 20% of paintings that get covered in those classes are from revolutionary France.

Well, the Trump campaign message was essentially a “fuck you!” note to everyone who’s not a conservative white voter and even then it kind of was to them as well. He’s insulted his base multiple times at rallies before, yet not one IQ high enough to realize it.

I saw that, too! And I wanted to cheer!! She came across as such a little spoiled princess shithead. She’s really such a garbage person. So self-righteous and full of herself. It was lovely the way he took her down a peg.

Yeah, like the entire response of the supposed “liberal media” to the election was to agree that people who live and work in coastal cities and other areas (i.e. places where you tend to be forced to deal with a wide diversity of people every day) are the “sheltered ones,” and so to start a cottage industry of sending

I lost my shit when I found that out several months ago. The idea that I’m actually older than that smoky-eyed lumpy killjoy blew my mind.

Will anyone on TV ever bother to mention that Trump supporters/Republicans act like absolute assholes to liberals, women, homosexuals, non-whites, non-Christians and anybody else that doesn’t agree with them about everything? I get so fucking tired of hearing about how conservatives are fed up with being picked on by

Reichwing women ALL have that problem— they slather on the makeup with a palette-knife starting from age 10, and they look retirement-age from then on.

Yep, just heard on a podcast yesterday that SIXTY TWO senate seats are from states that lean Republican. That means that Democrats have to fight and claw (which usually means they have to lean more conservative) just to avoid a supermajority in the Senate that could pass legislation that the majority of Americans

let alone the senate, which allows for red states to be overly represented in the federal government. when red state wyoming voters have 29 times the representation in the senate as blue state California voters, it’s sorta hard to believe that victimization complex conservatives love to dip into.

Jesus fuck SHS is only 35?

They’ve already pivoted to blaming the ‘obstructionists’ in congress from getting more done.

Meghan has a college degree in art history so she needs to take a fucking seat. Also, she’s 33 but looks like she’s 60 and that’s a thing GOP women do. They dress and style their hair WAY older than their chronological age. See Sarah Huckleberry Sanders who is 35 and Kellyanne Conartist who is 51.

I would like to get this printed on laminated cards I can hand out at family gatherings. My one regret is that I have but one star to give

I don’t understand why she chose grapefruits. Grapefruits are too heavy and unwieldy for throwing.

Hey, friendly reminder.

The best talkshow burn I have seen in all my years of being a political tv show junkie was administered by Paul Begala (a treasure). He was on a panel with meghan and she was doing her “tee hee I’m a young conservative and that was before my time tee hee” and his retort:


I’m beginning to think Meghan McCain is a bit of an asshole