
So are they putting their Jewish lawyer on this one, or......?

Man, look at how she bugs her eyes out and cocks her head, like, “ohshit, YABURNT, guess we really owned you now, huh????”.

Welcome to America, you must be new here. Nearly our entire history has been driven by old white men with huge amounts of wealth and political power.

I tried to watch that but 30 seconds in I was feeling nausea and literally felt my head spinning. Fuck this piece of garbage. He should be lucky he’s not rotting in jail not still bitching about losing the race, he should be counting his lucky stars instead he’s being a petty ass perv who truly believes he deserved to

He really wants to go through discovery and depositions, then, huh?

I think they can get their tickets exchanged for crocodile tears at a very favorable rate.

It was Kumail Nanjiani and Maggie tried to say she did it because he had unfollowed her first

It was Kumail Nanjiani. I was following that whole saga on Twitter. Haberman is ridiculous and was (deservedly) getting absolutely raked over the coals.

A big star (his name isn’t coming to mind) said Maggie Haberman unfollowed him for continuing to ask that question. You’ll enjoy this, I think

I hope they felt dumb as FUCK.

The comparison was quite clearly about ideals and values but the press appears to be either willfully ignorant (this one) or fucking moronic (they’re not all on Fox and Friends so this seems doubtful).

This is nothing more than fake outrage from the Right and from the spineless media, who never call Trump out on his divisiveness. For once, I agree with Wendy.

None of the jokes were about her looks. Anyone who says they were is projecting.

Was the joke about “her looks” the one comparing her to Aunt Lydia? Because I thought that joke had less to do with her actual appearance and more to do with her terrify persona and how she’s complicit in other women’s oppression.

But, also, Ann Dowd is really pretty? And comparing Sarah’s looks to Ann Dowd should not

Good on Wendy. 

I just want one of these ostensibly outraged members of the press to point to the section of Wolf’s set that lamabasted SHS’s looks.

OT but I saw Ann Dowd interviewed on a late night show the other night and she was a fucking delight. SHS can’t breathe her air.

Yup. Kind of like how if only antifa would stop punching nazis, they’d suddenly become really nice people. Right??