
It’s looking like they will be siding with 45. These assholes stole a Supreme Court seat and it will be paying dividends.

I love you, Justice Kagan, now and forever. Underrated aspect of Obama’s presidency is that the two justices he nominated to the court are fucking amazing.

My favorite Legend of Beyonce is the one where Papa Knowles made them run on treadmills in heels, while singing, to prepare them for long, athletic sets. Maybe it’s true, maybe it’s not, but I look at Bey and believe it.

Yeah, this is the same work ethic Madonna has too. I know people like to bust on them, but these ladies worked their fucking asses off.

Yay! I love a reason to dust off this old favorite:

Because “every pizza is a personal pizza if you try hard and believe in yourself.”

Objectify him? How sexist! But if you insist...

Brad Pitt in a cowboy hat is really doing it for me.

It’s so weird. The same way filmmakers hire spectacularly beautiful women to play a plain character

Couldn’t they just hire an actress who is already that size? I mean, Charlize is good, but like. I’m sure there’s tons of amazing actresses who never get roles because they are over size 4. (Apart from the amazing actresses who are starving themselves to stay skinny just to get/keep roles. Hire one of them and they

Happy Friday, and Happy 4/20! It’s the let’s objectify Brad Pitt thread!


I live in Portland, Oregon, where the two white mothers who drove their kids of the cliff had been part of the progressive community here. On Facebook, after the tragedy, people (mostly women, some of whom I know personally) were engaging in long postings and comment threads describing how terribly “stressed out”

You see the same, as mentioned above, with the white murderers - they shoot and kill many people, often after years of violent/racist rhetoric, membership of hate groups, and past aggression, but white people want to talk about mental illness. Yet when a black man is murdered for selling cigarettes, white people want

Which studies, my burner buddy?

They know it’s real, because they are the ones doing it. You see all those White people telling DePino that the Black men must have done something wrong (maybe they smoked pot a decade ago etcetcetc). They want us to be the enemy so bad but deep down they know it’s just plain old racism. Jim Crow didn’t die, it

Had no idea your Panera represented all Paneras and extended to all Starbucks.

“DePino said that there were people in the store who said they hadn’t purchased anything for hours and had no issue.”