
Unfortunately, as John Oliver himself has already pointed out...

Yyeah, The Wing can also try doing what black people had to learn to do: say it’s open for all to avoid the idiotic “reverse discrimination” claims (or reverse sexism in this instance) and market your ass off to your target audience. Just use tons of pink, only feature women in your promos, and dudes will get the

Love this.

Rihanna appreciation thread! Rihanna is BAE!

Is anyone using Snap anymore? I took my business to Insta story.

Seriously, what the fuck? If my kid came home with blood on her shirt and fragments IN her neck, and no one having bothered to get her medical assistance during the day... You best damn believe that the school better have their attorney on speed dial, cause that ain’t gonna stand.

They can’t hear over the sounds of all those guns accidentally discharging.

His son returned home with blood on his shirt and the fragments still in his neck. - WTF?? This whole situation is unacceptable and highly disturbing. I really feel for people with kids in school. These days must be so scary for parents. I’m glad this kid was okay, but that teacher should NOT be teaching anymore.

it’s very telling to me that many said south Koreans had a negative view of black people, but Kpop is 90s r&b. Folks love black cultural but not black people.

American media frequently portrays POC as simultaneously sexless and deviant. Asian men are either portrayed as horndog perverts(ala that John Hughes film) or sexually disregarded completely; Asian women are either portrayed as shrill shrewd and sexless or as personality devoid sexbombs(frequently wearing a

Hollywood is both reflective and prescriptive of American culture. It mirrors the way we think and it also changes the way we think. I hope to see more diverse writers.. because they can dictate a new standard.

A list of all the black actors who have won Oscars, and their roles:

Hattie McDaniel (1939): slave
Sidney Poitier (1963): A laborer who helps white women
Louis Gosset, Jr. (1982): a drill sergeant who helps the white protagonist
Denzel Washington (1989): a former slave turned soldier who died carrying the American flag

I love Oprah but white America does treat her as a mammy figure. They are constantly raving about how comforting her scent is and how she all their pain melts away in her arms. And how she gives transformational insight with just a phrase. What I love is that SHE found a way to harness this to her advantage and while

Well his dick seems to work.

So which one gets custody of Justin?

I heard that he has a personality like a light pole, that doesn’t turn on, which is just a pole with a decoration of a light but not much else is working.