
“his ninth, somehow”

Honestly, I don’t understand Twitter. I have accounts, both personal and professional, but unless you’re a company or politician making announcements, or you really (really) like beefing with people you don’t know all day long, I don’t see the point. Certainly from a professional point of view, Twitter generates

I was an original Twitter user. I used it for the first year and then switched to Bright Kite. It’s horrible now. Unusable. A cesspool.

My experiences with Catholicism are a large part as to why I’m Quaker now. We believe all are equal in front of God: no leaders, no hierarchy, no exceptions. (Well also, the activism, the global viewpoint of the world as community, and the pro-LGBT message.)

I agree that Reservoir Dogs is his best but that’s still damning it with faint praise.

There is no point other than “Find any excuse to shit on the guy”.

He’s only made one STELLAR movie and that movie is “Jackie Brown”

Generally agree that his movies have more of a cult following than mass appeal. Havent seen Pulp Fiction in a very long time so cant comment as to how well it holds up, if at all. But as enjoyable as that movie was at the time, Tarantino’s best movie would still be Reservoir Dogs, IMHO.

I went to an all girls Catholic HS and revered the nuns. When I discovered the disparities- priests are given a stipend just for freaking existing, nuns have to earn their own money; priests can retire however they wish, nuns need to live with family or in a convent home - I went ballistic. My favorite nun lamented

As someone who grew up Catholic (but now wouldn’t set foot in a church if the rest of the planet were lava), the way the Church treats nuns has a far-reaching effect that goes beyond just those nuns. It’s ingrained in your consciousness from an early age that the priests are superior. They’re saying mass. They wear

There’s a TON, nay, TONS of documentation out there about abuses of nuns by the Catholic church; you just have to casually google it and you’ll find so many shocking stories. I mean, I was on YouTube searching for videos of Scientology and I wasn’t even looking and stumbled onto at least a dozen decades-old videos of

I just bought a couple caftans and LIFE IS GOOD. (Blanche is in a caftan.)

Same, where do we find them?

I want Blanche and Dorothy’s getups to swan around my apartment in.

Literally the first thing that came to mind. And best show ever.


Nasyrova was also reportedly wanted for the alleged murder of a woman in Russia and for “preying on” various New York City men. She is said to have been enjoying a “carefree” life in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn.

Someone must, so I will...

The secret is to replace butter with “I Can’t Believe It’s Not Phenazapam”.

Soon he will yell his play at a cloud.