
A lot of men go for a female lawyer in cases that have a gendered aspect because the crass tokenism acts a fig leaf  optics are better.

what happened that he ended up with a female lawyer anyway?

I saw an interview of him with Joe Rogan shortly after he was fired, and he just seems incapable of seeing things in any way other then his own.

How did you know? I’m pretty sure the troll is having a conversation with himself under another burner.

I imagine it’s a million or so variations of “well I actually took the time to read what he wrote and found it to be well researched and thought it had a lot of good points. He never ACTUALLY said men were better than women.”

He reminds me so much of that white girl who sued a college because they didn’t accept her mediocre ass.

Exactly. These Wannabe Vulcan guys are all the same... They’re scared of what they’re feeling, so they put on this hysterical “I’m rational and emotionless, I’m not like you weak humans and your feelings” front. But it’s always a facade that comes with a wobbly lower lip, because what they think sounds like

Someone should put him on watch list for another potential home grown terrorist. White Male terrorism is on the rise. And he could go to google campus and start shooting up the place. This is not a joke. This is a prime example of white male privilege not wanting to back down. He was probably given a trophy plenty of

It completely baffles me how the people who scream the loudest about free speech have the least idea of what it actually means.

If anyone wants to roll around in a shitshow this weekend, the comments on the Gizmodo article about this are truly special.

the woman sitting next to him looks super fucking miserable

“While I strongly support trying to understand how and why people think the way they do, relying on affective empathy—feeling [emphasis: mine] another’s pain—causes us to focus on anecdotes, favor individuals similar to us, and harbor other irrational and dangerous biases. Being emotionally unengaged helps us better

Women on average know how to comb their hair and take their laundry out of the dryer on time so it doesn’t wrinkle.

I know his lawyer is a republican and probably loves to troll, but her body language and facial expression makes me pretty sure this guy is the human embodiment of douche-chill.

Probably “alt”-balls

So you respond to his homophobic shit by headlining your article with a homophobic, gay baiting slur?

The look of a man that has been coasting his entire life.

Cry baby. Take your balls and go home.

From the look above I doubt he has been taken to task often in his life. Clean up, look professional, iron a shirt ffs.