
I think that women of all races have been fuck bait at one time or another. Meaning, it’s acceptable to fuck them but that’s about it. They’ve fetishized all races for one reason or another.

Le sigh. How many white people do you say this exact thing to while they habitually exhibit learned behavior of say, 400+ years? How many racist comments do you divert by explaining the unreasonableness of it all? Or is it just what you see on The Root? And why are you even here?

Mahershala has never given a bad performance, in my memory at least. I’m glad to see him getting some hype. :)

As a whiteperson, your whiny rant proves the very point that Wypipo are fragile. Jesus, what an embarrassment.

EVERYTHING HAS TOO BE ABOUT THEM 24/7 (or it’s a crisis!)

To further your point, it’s also a telling thing; to be proud to be white. It’s a pride in being on top of the food chain. It’s a pride in being the most politically represented “race,” a pride in the most benefit from a socioeconomic culture that only thinks of them first, full-stop.

I’ma stop you right there, dipshit. GTFO.

Poor baby needs someone to come to his defense. Sad.

Marvel has been making efforts, and catching shit from the ‘you ruined my childhood!’ crowd.

Happy black viewers liking a movie and noting bigoted haters

Most of the big chains on the West Coast have reserved seating on recliner seats.

Huh. It’s pretty common around here in DC. Landmark theaters with smaller screens. Arclight theaters. Last night I went to a Majestic theater. It also had recliners.

Exactly. There is also I imagine (I’m white so can’t speak with any real knowledge about it) an enhanced sense of shared pride when you were targeted for vitriol and hate precisely because of the fact that your skin is the color that it is. You are basically in this struggle together as a people. I’m like, what

Ok so I feel like this is a very appropriate place to tell my movie going expirence for Black Panther. I went to a theater with reserved seating (no alcohol though; should have checked. Damn) Two young women went to sit next to me but there was a white man in one of their seats. They showed the man their tickets and

Can white people get over the “ we can’t be proud to be white “ thing. You can be proud Italians, Irish, or German. That’s a specific white. The reason we say proud to be black is because we don’t know where the fuck we came from!

Sorry, Michael, but white people really do say this type of shit to other white people. Random old guys will start talking to me at places like the grocery store and assume that, because I’m white, I must subscribe to the same brainless worldview. To me, at least, that means that they must be pretty successful with

My favorite joke that was made was that the only two white guys in the movie are Martin Freeman, who played Bilbo Baggins, and Andy Serkis who played Gollum, making them the Tolkien white guys.

I tell you what we’ll do. To make this up to you, we promise that we will remain marginalized, mostly ancillary characters in most of the Hollywood blockbusters for the rest of the year. We also swear that we will allow you to win and be nominated for the bulk of Oscars, Golden Globes, Emmys, Tony Awards, Peabody


Michael, this article overlooks a threat that even the US Attorney General finds alarming: