
“Conscience and Religious Freedom Division”

Obama was a saint. Killing Awlaki’s son wounded him badly and he cut the number of drone strikes afterwards because of it. This guy put our airstrikes on steroids. It’s at the point that even our closest allies in the region are horrified by what we’re doing.

Then there calling the widow of a slain Army Green Beret a liar...

It is not even the worst thing he has done sexually. He has sexually assasulted and possibly raped women and so the fact that he had a consensual sexual encounter with a woman not his wife is not really anything I can even muster up any sort of outrage for at this point.

I hate him so much. Sometimes it consumes me. This porn star thing is just another stupid thing that won’t change anything (I’m glad for the reporting of it, just feeling despondent)

$5 says Trump is pushing this himself. His smokescreen machine has been pumping overtime ever since the news broke that Mueller was seeking an interview. I expect even more ridiculous BS this year compared to last right up until the fucker gets the hook...

This guy had 30 women & children killed in Yemen on the first week of office because he wanted to prove his dick was bigger than Obama’s. This is like #1000045 on the list of worst things he’s ever done.

I feel like the shithole stuff broke me and I need to take a break. I’m so disillusioned by what he says and does and gets away with. He flings feces everywhere and now we’ve become so inured that another scandal is less than a 24 hour news cycle before the next.

The Palins are trash. Sarah Palin is a garbage person especially. Remember her website featuring Democratic lawmakers in rifle targets, then Gabby Giffords got ambushed and shot in the head, and then Palin acted like, “what, me, not my problem, I didn’t do anything!”

This whole situation is fucking horrible.

Family values, friends. But let’s not let the gays marry. They’ll ruin marriage and children.

You mean ... the presence of a gun on the scene didn’t immediately calm the situation and make things all right?

Holy shit - that’s a little more than criminal mischief there. Cutting brakes??

The line goes further back that that, through the Moral Majority and Nixon making the conscious decision to court the racist vote.

All roads lead back to McCain allowing this garbage woman to join his ticket.

Cut school bus brakes. Joined Army to stay out of trouble.

I heard it somewhere on Jez that he joined the military because he was given a choice by a judge, either military or jail time. :/ It wasn’t escapism or anything noble, it was just trying not to go to jail for dangerous vandalism. (Can someone remind me, was he puncturing schoolbus tires or something like that...?)

One could make the case that the Palin crazy begat the Trump crazy. All roads lead back to Sarah Palin joining the ticket and the GOP becoming a tea-party cesspool.

I feel bad for everyone forced to be involved in this story- especially America.

I hope he gets some serious time. He sounds like he’s a few steps away from killing someone.