
Supremely disappointed that the Virginia election went back to the Republicans on the basis of a coinflip. Once again people’s inability to correctly fill out a ballot has taken a Democrat’s election away. Trump is right that the system is rigged — just not in the way he thinks.

Seriously, let them. Let them do their fucking investigation, gather what they can, convene a grand jury, indict her, put her on trial—the works. If the prosecution can avoid having the case kicked during the criminal justice equivalent of the pleadings stage of the proceedings, and avoid getting the case kicked on

One of the most miserable six hours of my life was sitting in a VA hospital post-op waiting room with Fox News being played the entire time...and watching others watching it.

I love that the moron in charge and Fox trot out this completely meaningless and unverifiable, “see? companies are giving out bonuses!” thing. As though bonuses didn’t exist before or after the bullshit tax cut. As if that’s any kind of metric of economic health. “Someone somewhere got a bonus, y’all! Thanks glorious

Fox News is typically on right next to CNN at the gym. Seeing the two side by side is often a stark and laughable contrast. This morning for example. The Fox and Friends hosts are basically this “This is Fine” meme .

What a waste of taxpayer money. The “scandal” was a farce, and the amount of coverage it received during the election is gross. Watching people like Maggie Haberman continue to defend that coverage is also gross. If you ever changed the channel to Fox News, this is literally all they talk about. And it’s the

The first headline and cover of the new Essence - “Women Discuss Conquering Beauty Ideals and Loving Their Natural Hair!”


Shea Moisture was sold to a VC firm. This negreaux will do the same thing.

White women rejoice! Shea Moisture has a new platform for y’all!

That’s what it boils down to. I see this so much when the topic of racism is broached. Someone does or says something bigoted, gets called out and somehow the discussion veers into their comfort, as if it’s a child being addressed. I’ve seen situations where the person even starts to literally cry. It always comes

“I would feel a lot of relief if you told me there was a way to fix it”

Unfortunately it’s still going strong here in SF. That dippy Holmes bakery has a line outside it running down the block every morning.

They cooked the heck out of it. By definition, not sashimi either.


Yep, the sushi is 90% sushi rice and 10% the cut of fish.

This is a 2017 thing. Look at the dates on the embedded social posts.

It’s. Not. Sushi. If. There’s. No. Seasoned. Rice.

I had a sushi burrito once. Never again. (And I love sushi and burritos, separately).

I hate 2018 already.