
Leslie Jones looks really great lately. I think all her crazy workouts have made her posture really good or something.

Agree is one of the best things on that show. His and Diane’s rivalry kills me.

Nooooooooo! That was the worst.

This picture just made me deeply sad and nostalgic. I still mourn Gawker.

I am really into Evan Rachel Wood’s suit.

You are ignoring the many, many times that Ms. Hope makes the case that ultimately the problem with Iggy is that the raps are not good. The contrast with Eminem is instructive; his raps are technically great with clever, meaningful rhymes and a grace and ease to the flow; more importantly his voice feels authentic and

I was going to say that, too. People probably would have forgiven a lot more from Iggy if she was an Eminem-level talent at rapping and song-writing.

The streets are lined with black female rappers who have way more talent than Iggy but get no where because they aren’t pretty white girls

Actually, thirsty ass country fans will fall all over ANY black person willing to toe that line, a la Darrius Rucker or the so-called Country Cowboy rapping fella. “We ain’t racist, we got us a nig- uh, black guy who think just like us!”

You’re missing the point that she has been told, many a time, by many different people that her rapping just isn’t very good.

You are forgetting the major fact that she absolutely cannot rap, and is completely oblivious to it. They told her to be a pop star instead of rapper, not just based on how she looks and sounds, but her lack of skill in the rap game. It’s pretty clear, how dumb you are and how equally dumb/stubborn Iggy was. Not

Ohhhh my god. Look, I don’t know how I can possibly explain it better than Clover has, but I’ll try to be succinct:

Your takeaway is “poor white girl wasn’t welcomed with open arms”?

The point you seem to have missed is, at the end of the day, pretty or no, she’s wack. Got no lyrics. No bars. Motherfuckers like you think you can be cute and just show up and the world is supposed to support you.

I don’t know how people are missing this...Eminem...the answer is Eminem. No one gave a shit he was white after he proved he had the talent

It doesn’t matter how hard you work at something if you’re bad at it.

Right. A black woman who wanted to do country music would be told to do pretty much anything else instead.

Being white definitely hurt her and kept from doing what she wanted, but not in the way that idiot thinks. Her white arrogance got all up in the way to hurt her and keep from doing what she wanted and she still hasn’t learned.

There will always be people on Jezebel who will defend any white woman over anything it seems.

Um, men who were/wanted to fuck her literally looked at her and said “She is white and “exotic” looking. She should have a career.” That’s not how it works for other artists. She had a bunch of Black men kissing her ass, teaching her, and pushing her simply because they were infatuated with the idea of a white female