
Reported this campaign. Thanks for the link.

Fully clothed ass hate speech

They will when someone specifically calls them out on it and it makes national news. Corporations truly don’t give a fuck about anything.

I don’t think Nazis are ever really happy about anything.

THANK YOU!!! This is what drives me insane about all of this. The Nazi’s, racists, and white Supremacists had their say, they had their say during WWII and the US Civil War, AND again more times that any of us can count.

They only care about freedom of expression, and freedom of speech when they’re trying to deny

Most of those guys just love to blame their own failures on and disappointments on others, going so far they base an ideology it.

Because Jack McSmoe doesn’t live in a huge mansion, just has an average life and women don’t drop on their knees left and right to orally pleasure him, it must be because of “white male

They’re the chickenhawks of the race war. Talk a big game about sacrifice and standing tall for the cause, but overall far too delicate to get their hands dirty. Everything circles around supporting their bruised egos and persecution complex. If a fight is in their favor because they outnumber and outgun the

I’ve been noticing something about these white supremacists the last couple days.

Notice. His people were allowed to have their rally. They said their piece, they were allowed their freedom of speech.

Fuck that. The cops broke it up because the FUCKING NAZIS showed up with clubs, body armor and shields. They were there to fight.

Nazis cheered on Heather Heyer’s death. Go read the vile comments published on the Daily Stormer.

Fields did not commit the only act of Nazi terror. There are multiple documented instance of your Nazi thugs viciously beating counter protestors. You came heavily armed expecting and desiring violence. You almost burned down a church. Carrying torches, you surrounded outnumbered teenage UVA students. You chanted Nazi

Of course you support it you gutless turd. All you’ve done this post is defend your nazi brothers.

Does your mom spend all day at home crying because she has a nazi sympathizer for a son?

“What? We’re not Nazi sympathizers, we just carry their flag, share many of their beliefs and put quotes from their leader on some of the shirts people wore to our rally.”

It is really sad the progressive thought police stifle the speech of a political ideology responsible for the most horrific act of genocide in the modern era.

“What happened yesterday was the result of Charlottesville police officers refusing to do their job.”

It’s a sad day when the police are protecting this clown better than they protected Heather Heyer and the many counterprotesters who were injured.

You’re a bot. Get bent.

On the other hand fuck this racist piece of shit. And fuck you too.