
WARNING: don’t check out (or do) the Jalopnik version of this same story. There are Nazi scum posting over there making false equivalencies to BLM protests and outright Nazi apologists too.


I will also accept savage beatings, though, out of a surplus of bipartisan comity.

“We ALL have to get along; the speeding car and the dead person just need to work out their differences!”

History is my weapon of choice in this particular fight. This feels very much like what happened in SC post civil war. I shared this to my Facebook page...

Again I ask, white progressives of Jezebel, when are you going to start having hard conversations with your community? Because if white people TRULY talked about racism with each other and looked within, would we be here?

And they held the rally before the University begins fall semester. Nazis like to outnumber their opponents 5-1. They don’t like a fair fight. They would have faced thousands, if not tens of thousands, of counter-protesters if school was back in session.

Did they disperse the crowd before or after a Nazi plowed a car into counter protesters?  

Yes. I mean we knew all along. Tons of white people will pretend this is a small percentage of them but it REALLY says something that these people aren’t even hiding their identities. They know they won’t be shunned by their friends or neighbors or face repercussions at work. Even in the 1950s they wore hoods. These

The only thing a Nazi deserves is a bullet in the head.

Tired of political correctness?

He’s trying to use patriotism and support of the military to earn sympathy for the confederates. It’s actually quite clever, when you consider his audience is made up of racist mouth-breathers that are too proud and ignorant to realize that patriotism and support of the confederacy are mutually exclusive.

Look at the Donald trump cosplayers

“This is a whole other ball game, I think,” a journalist who’s been covering white nationalists for 15 years told Jezebel.

They’re tired of the bullshit, the political correctness, using our tax dollars to bring in people from Syria and Somalia, all this other stuff with homosexuality.

Cops are just standing around and watching? No riot gear, tanks, or tear gas? Hmm. Wonder why?

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

Can you imagine if this was BLM or Standing Rock literally pushing and trying to physically fight riot cops?

“We’re not gonna back down!” ....Scene cleared.

I’m mostly impressed that he managed to offend pretty much every single marginalized group: women, Jews, LGBTQ, etc. While it isn’t here, I’m sure dude has said a few things about POC, too.