
I always feel so cynical when I see anything about fashion and important issues, because fashion is probably the last industry I would imagine that could actually impact anything actually important. Hell, a piano tuner probably has the capacity for greater change than fashion.

Yeah I’m wondering how this does a damn thing for the environment at all. It seems more like a ‘everyone is accepted feel good!’ event and there was more in the article about that than the environment.

So a feel good fashion show featuring ugly impractical clothes no one would really wear in real life helps the environment..... how? Want to save the world, kids? Grab a shovel and go plant some trees. Pick up some trash. Go mow your elderly neighbors yard and help them plant a sustainable vegetable garden. Prancing

I feel so confused and awkward about tipping at coffee shops or places I get take-out. I have a friend who worked as a cashier at a coffee shop, and I’d go visit and get a latte. “Uhhh, here’s a dollar for smiling, I guess?” She definitely had voiced before that people should tip. I realize they get crappy pay.

Climate Justice Fashion Show...


That’s terrible service, even waiters aren’t allowed to chide customers for not tipping. And tipping for a simple cup of coffee is definitely not mandatory.

I had a cashier at a coffee shop shame me for not tipping on an iced coffee. As in - she said (as she walked by me outside) that she took my photo because I didn’t tip.

Because you’re not an idiot leaving themselves open to getting scammed.

I think that’s true but also believe servers who post shit like this should be fired

kalief browder: 3 years for not stealing backpack

This TV Trope has been around since the beginning of broadcasting. Fat, stoopid husband with intelligent gorgeous wife. It all started with the radio show The Bickersons, then the TV show The Honeymooners. Let’s all count how often this trope has been repeated. Has there been any one year of tv that didn’t have this

The thing is, he deserves some credit.

Being a shlub and proud of it? Bragging about never eating vegetables or excercising, but at the same time reminisce about being on some high school sports team 25 years ago?

Romano was funny for a single, solitary episode of Dr. Katz.

You know all those douchebros who say, “Melissa McCarthy is not funny. All she does is fatty-go-boom.”? They find James hilarious, even though he actually mostly slides by on doing slapstick physical comedy based on his fatness.

Its The characters that he always plays. he’s overestimates his intelligence, he works blue collar jobs doing just enough to stay hired, but he doesn’t particularly love what he does, he knows he’s over weight but food is his happy place, and the woman that he is married always puts up with his apathy and ignorance

also, people that watch the NFL.

I agree, though I used to lazily watch King of Queens. There is one episode that made me laugh hysterically, and that was when Kevin James pole danced. Fucking hilarious, because he was kind of good at it.

And Kevin James is 5' 8", so I’d have a hard time even finding his little dumb ass to even look at.

He’s also a massive diva asshole. “Little people” aren’t allowed to make eye contact with him or speak to him directly.