
She would have shot all the college graduates in the Benghazi because emails.  

They can’t seem to ever catch a break.

“The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination, and it is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.”

The mere fact that this abomination of a regime is still polling anywhere above 1% positive ...may be proof that this country is beyond redemption. is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.

White people think that Asians will be fighting on their side in their fantasy civil/social war. It’s really bizarre

Just when you think certain white people couldn’t get more whiny, they whine even louder.

...but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.

Clegg elaborated, with a hollow and incendiary talking point, “The civil rights laws were deliberately written to protect everyone from discrimination, and it is frequently the case that not only are whites discriminated against now, but frequently Asian-Americans are as well.”

Nothing like a bunch of mediocre white people banding together under the bogey man of “reverse discrimination” to get the government to protect them in their own mediocrity.

Isn’t the federal prohibition a financial problem for small, local businesses? I remember reading that banks won’t loan to them or let them open business accounts.

What do you mean? Do you think this is the first bill that democrats have introduced this year? Not all bills are talked about in the press but democrats have introduced a lot of legislation (as they have every year). I just want people to know that. Democrats are not seating in their offices watching at the

People complain a lot about Cory Booker being a corporate sellout and voting to support the pharma industry, but this is a big slap in the face for the pharma industry that is so prominent in NJ. Good on Booker.

Or a guy (a former state employee who hates government) I was talking to a few years ago during debt/deficit hysteria:

It’s the hypocrisy of it all. She’s against ACA but admits that she’s covered by her parents’ insurance because of ACA. Well, she could get a freaking job with insurance and pay for her own damn health care, but she knows the first rule of Republican lawmaking is, “I got mine, fuck everyone else.”

They also don’t know that what they’re benefitting from is thanks to the ACA. Like Tomi here. I guarantee you she has no clue that before the ACA, 24-year-olds wouldn’t have been allowed to be on their parents’ insurance. And I guarantee you that plenty of people don’t realize that their subsidies or free birth

Tami is dumber then Coulter.

I’ve seen a few of her viral videos and she is 100% not thoughtful in forming her opinions. She just extrapolates to the most inflammatory possible narrative, which of course falls apart approximately 2 sentences in when conversing with a sane person. I don’t even get angry with tomi because it is so obvious. She is a

It’s like when you ask these ass clowns how they feel about the Affordable Care Act, a lot of them support it. They have no idea it’s the same as Obamacare.