
Also Oswald killed Kennedy, Shakespeare wrote Shakespeare, 9/11 was not an inside job, the UFO at Roswell was just a spy satellite, and the Queen of England is not a lizard person. Just thought I should get that off the table before the crazy people show up.

Pressure to be the first (by even a few seconds) of a thousand outlets to report tends to have a negative effect on fact checking.

Live feed:

“No one is impressed by your dumb choreographed videos, OK Go.”

It’s like the researchers have no idea what senior trip is.

Confirmed, i once got bit by a Whale Shark and died. Sons of bitches.

“We have no idea why they went so far...for such short periods of time”

The design is cool, but I didn’t like the way it’s walking looked in the movie. It looked clunky and fake. At the same time the cheapness of it’s walking harken back to the practical effects of the OT.

I think it’s a bit of both, a cyborg.

The movie was always going to be horrible, it is known. The game was only worth the lost 12 hours and the missing master’s degree homework.

Just like the home PC was such a failure since people could upgrade their setups outside the band of buying a whole new system.

You are kidding me right? 1%? This isn’t 2000 any more. Kids are growing up with this stuff and things are changing. Even my 75yo mom knows what kind of a mobile phone to get. She’s on a better Android Phone than I am for cripes sake!


Is it wrong that I laughed even though I found it terribly insensitive?

The Chinese government is dedicated to ensuring that everyone can live good lives, additionally Beyonce’s new lemonade album is very like.

So pretty much what that Clinton Super PAC is doing, then? I’m shocked by the similarities!

Man Fox News really chaps my.... wait... Oh! Oh! Guys there’s one here!

This will be perfect for Mustangs leaving after Cars and Coffee events.

Those things better be fireballs coming down from the sky, because not much is going to penetrate the light pollution over the Kanto region. After a bit of thought, I think the concept is pretty cool, though.