
Too true, sadly.

IIRC, the negative wing angles are only in qualifying, as they have clean air, aren't fighting for positions, and just trying to get the absolute most out of their car, especially when after four laps, pole position can be won or lost by hundredths of a second.

Why do I keep on seeing the name 'Miranda' on these illusions?

Your iPhone is actually asking to be jailbroken.

I'm not a lawyer, but there's a big difference in selling something like that (i.e. requiring payment before providing a service or product), and accepting donations for work you do.

Aside from being shocked/stunned, were the occupant(s?) in good health after the death of their chariot? I could imagine them getting spinal/whiplash injuries from that landing...

That's pretty awesome, but hopefully it won't give them an undue sense of invincibility that will get them in serious trouble some day down the road.

I disagree. Some folks may just have chosen to ignore jailbreaking in the past, but legitimately want to know what the benefits are, now that the official iOS environment is becoming so stale.

I just Googled that and watched the video on engadget.

Here's a quote from the FAQ page over at to which evasi0n provided a link. This, aside from a desire to do more than iOS limits you (in their never-ending desire to limit user functionality due to their business plan), may help you decide. It really helped clear up a few

AND thermonuclear war.

781s and reflective belts!

Fast Five was the only one in the series with a coherent plot (they all did have somewhat entertaining mini-plots or races, iirc...), but Dwayne Johnson 'working with criminals for a good cause even though it goes against his personal code' is a pretty far reach, though it does add a drop of comedy!

They were Army Intelligence, I've worked with their likes before...

It's about time a third party with credibility (non-governmental related) calls them to the carpet. Well, rather, brings this to such clear light, because they won't ever answer to confirm or deny such accusations, they'll just ignore it like a used car salesman trying to sell a lemon. Everyone knows it, especially

I'd follow him also, but alas, I don't twit either.

I've been scientifically testing that solution myself, but the results of my findings aren't ready to publish. I've found I need to continue my research.


'99 Saturn SL1. ~30 miles from fuel light to flameout, ops-tested twice.

The DoD office of Interplanetary Relations located in Roswell, NM has reportedly reserved the F-35D and F model designations for prospective clients who wish to remain anonymous...