
LOL, Lockheed really should have called the Raptor the Alpha release of the F-35 Lightning!! (They had a LOT of bugs to work out, not that they've fixed their budget problems by any means.)

Stop being so factual, this is Giz, they're only interested in hype.

After hearing about jeggings for a few months and not really caring WHAT they were, now that Giz has posted an article, I feel I am now fully informed on what jeggings are, and will no longer misidentify them as skinny jeans.

Wait a minute, I thought Japan was supposed to hold the secret to the Japanese Miracle, and weren't they nano-machines?

Wait a minute, I thought Japan was supposed to hold the secret to the Japanese Miracle, and weren't they nano-machines?

435 buttons? That's a nice average number...


By that definition, abortion should be legal to be performed on humans up through 5-8 years of age. And maybe 20 years old for those not mature enough to move out of their mother's basements, not to mention the mentally handicapped or physically challenged...

Actually, I know it's Chinese, but I don't think it's Japanese, Sung Kang just has a pretty unique sense of humor...

Now playing

Don't know if this link will work, but at 1 minute 42 seconds, there's a definition given of Ni Hao...

You know you watch too much Top Gear if you just read that paragraph quote in Captain Slow's voice.

So, I've thought that America was pretty 'unique' with its cheeseburger addiction (I prefer a Five Guys Bacon Cheesburger, much classier than a Big Mac), then I went to Toronto and saw the McD's there had a double Big Mac, with four patties on it! It didn't appear to be a manager special, or some one-off store

I joined the Air Force because I wanted to fly Vipers. Now, four years after earning my wings, I'm glad I'm not hanging with all the elbow-pointers and saying "so-to-speak" every other word, but the F-16 will never cease to be one of the sexiest flying machines, visually AND performance wise (unless you plan on

Chiba and Hanzo?!

Why'd you have to go and ruin the moment?!

You must be an ER nurse.

This is a very sad, tragic crime that happened. My heart goes out to those whose lives were ripped apart by the senseless crime committed by a deranged individual.

No, actually he's right on track. It's the far leftists who would say that driving Prii saves polar bears.


Speaking from a USAF point of view, it's obviously part of the Stargate program.