
They've been hiding in our atmosphere for years now, and are ready to reveal themselves to the superpowers of this world. Some cutting edge documentaries (unofficially called Roswell Rods, link here) have been trying to uncover their existence, but now these creatures are ready to conquer our planet!!1!

Sorry Mal, we'll get that replaced when we get away from the core planets; I'm pretty sure we'd attract too much attention asking for a part that specific.

Hollywood never ceases to amaze me at how arrogant they treat foreign customs. I'm proud to be an American, don't get me wrong, but just because we are a superpower doesn't give us the right to smear mud all over every small developing nation.

Your hypothesis would mean that she can't speak Kazakh either, because she should know her own country's anthem.

That's too awesome.

Hmm, they can't have been that ignorant... I mean, we can't give the Mayans any more reason that they should wipe out the human race this December...

My parents (with grandparent encouragement) bought me a set of this when I was young thinking that they could get me to switch from Lego to a more-expensive "engineering-focused" toy. The parts, especially the panels, never seemed to be as well-engineered as Lego (no pun intended). The kits were great for building

Well done!!

Children today don't know what an imagination is.

I thought that article was only limited to an art project about raising chickens...??? (article link)

Hey Giz, I think you've been hacked...

Doing touch-and-goes in the southeast a few years ago in a T-1, saw some pigeons pull about 6-9 Gs as they avoided our windscreen by what seemed like mere inches as we were on short final. Could have sworn that they hit the T-tail, but had no visible blood or feathers on any surface.

The Duggar's new SUV?

I just threw the entire route from FlightAware into SkyVector, and it only plotted the navaids, no lat/long coords. But even with just the navaids, you can clearly see the company logo, and at ~5800nm, throwing three numbers in for good measure is easily within their IFR range.

Well, actually there are quite a few lat/long coords in that route that SkyVector didn't plot, so it's highly likely that it could have included the 787, especially since the logo only took up ~5800nm, leaving plenty of gas for drawing numbers.

"Minneapolis Center, Boeing Zulu Alpha 236 Heavy checking in with you passing FL375 for 430." (on their eastbound leg)

I think this is a simple idea they had where they can offer a layer of perceived security (especially for the masses) all while making a buck. For all the 'insurance policies' that they never have to fulfill, there will be a small percentage that do ruin their i7. I'm sure they looked at the cost-benefit of this

Will these display any evidence of SageTV in their digital veins.....
