Tried the new Berserk movies yet? If you like depressing, you'll love that. The main character gets shat on from cradle to the grave, to say the least.
Tried the new Berserk movies yet? If you like depressing, you'll love that. The main character gets shat on from cradle to the grave, to say the least.
I care to read about a Poké speedrun (I mean, an hour and chance is impressive!), yet I did not play Pokeymans since Pearl. Here's the kicker: because of IV's and the rabidness with which some hardcore players pursue it. A game about pure imagination, reduced to maths and setting fun aside. Sad, really. I can't even…
Because everyone does something that makes it okay? Weakest argument in the book, man. As a non-native speaker even I am horrified by how people butcher the English language sometimes, with "could of" and related mistakes at the front of the list. I mean, it doesn't even make any sense, at all. The there/their/they're…
Hmmmmyeah. Itagaki, my man, I know being a bit strange is kinda your thing, but ah... Why the hell did you show this? It looks like a last-gen Wii game, lacking all the polish you are known for (be it in gameplay like in NG, or graphics like in DoA). You eccentric man, you.
Oh hey, I agree. Even if he actually was white, it would only enforce the evil-factor. Talk about a manufactured issue man, especially when people started yelling that 'Ubisoft isn't talking about this, this makes it worse!'. My mom always told me not to argue with idiots, I'm guessing Ubi was taught the same.
You've missed part of the outrage then, too: the (ridiculous) assumption was that the bad guy is white and was seemingly oppressing the local people of the region. Which, I agree, is what a bad guy does, but that's just me.
I'm sorry you had to go through that, bro. As someone who considers spoilers akin to heresy during the high times of the Holy Roman Empire, I not only feel your pain but also feel happiness at your vow to never spoil again. People sometimes don't understand how shitty spoilers can feel.
Yeah, sometimes I really do wish I could go on a blackout. Sometimes it still seems unavoidable though, like the time I was in blackout-mode for the third season's ending of Game of Thrones. That one day I didn't have my music player with me on the bus, two people next to me started (loudly) discussing it. I guess I'm…
I feel you, and to be honest this happens with a lot of media nowadays. This literally get talked to death sometimes, the more popular they are the worse it gets. Before I even got to watch the new Game of Thrones episode, people starting talking about it everywhere and interviews appeared that... relate... to a…
Your unnecessarily snide comment can be put aside: technological advancement is miniaturization, both in physical tech as in digital tech (e.g., data). Games really do not have to be this big - just because you can, doesn't mean you should. That, and data compression technology really needs a boost, the hell is up…
Manufactured Issue #12395234. Seriously, the guy has clearly Asian features, quite obviously stemming from the same region as where the game plays. Are people nowadays so lacking in knowledge of geography to recognize this? He's also, clearly, a dickhead, which is kind of the point of an antagonist.
The fact that the fine print is even required for clarification is ridiculous, if you ask me. Just say the goods and bads clear and up front, instead of leaving it in the sidelines to be overlooked. MS already has the reputation of screwing over people in that way, just clear it up already.
Sad panda :'(
So was everything pre-MK3, but opinions and such. The only fighter which has gore and is really decent is Samurai Shodown, at least the ones that have some gore and even then it's minor and stylish. Except for Samsho Sen, that one sucked.
Yes you do, considering you cannot know for sure if this is artistic liberty (and thus a mistake or reinterpretation of the laws of physics) or an element of future technology that makes it possible. There really is no way to know, none at all. Thus you can tell when the laws of physics are being defied, but you…
Is there anything you DO like, and do you form those opinions based on personal taste or what other people say?
Am I? Please point out where / how I'm doing that, then I can admit or comment on it.
In parts of book(s) yes, but that doesn't mean all of Christianity trusts in that, believes that or uses it as a base of beliefs and practices - they are just books, after all, influenced by writers, translators and the times they were written in and thus not necessarily truthful. I'm not a Christian and not even…
In what way? I'm not a Christian, so there's no 'moral high-ground' for me to take in this discussion. However, I was raised Christian (protestant, new-reformed stream) and nowhere in the stories or teachings I grew up is there any focus on punishment or apocalypse. Not that it's not there; it's just not regarded as…