Yeah, no. This only applies to parts of / sects of Christianity, not the whole. Hell, the negatives you mentioned are almost exclusive to Catholicism. If you want to make jokes like this, at least know your shit.
Yeah, no. This only applies to parts of / sects of Christianity, not the whole. Hell, the negatives you mentioned are almost exclusive to Catholicism. If you want to make jokes like this, at least know your shit.
Care Factor? Yeah, I could get behind this, although story is probably the weakest part of the MGS series.
Your calenders are the right way up, more like. Never understood this month-day-year seperation, no logic.
Argmageddon said it a bit too rough for my tastes, but I have to agree: these ads did nothing for 'us' Europeans. I'm Dutch myself but I know a lot of French, German, British, Belgian, Italian, Hungarian, Polish, etc. people - I get around. At the time of this ad-campaign I was in the prime targeted age, as were my…
While theoretically this works more often than not, advertising theory and psychology also has a lot to say when it comes to complete disconnection of the target audience and the product the ads are trying to sell. In this case the disconnect is such that it alienates sooner than it will sell, also because it's only…
Brother, while I appreciate a good troll as much as the next guy, this was a seriously weak attempt with an even weaker follow-up. Step up your game man, general trolling-level has advanced well beyond your meager abilities.
I definitely agree with you on most points, especially considering my own case of having to fight for admission due to low school results and some mental baggage even though I have the papers to prove I'm more than capable of excelling at uni. Admission standards can be more broad and lenient at certain points,…
Yeah, the 40 bucks is definitely a dealbreaker. If it was 20 I'd have gotten it blind, regardless of my opinion of the core game, 40 is just too steep both for my budget and my feelings.
If a school needs to rely on sporting events to get income, something is already horribly wrong. We're talking about institutions of learning, for chrissakes. Important pillars of civilized societies. Isn't there a government that should be taking care of that, or is that just my misguided opinion?
I'll take your word for it. I don't know when 2.0 went live, but if it's after when I tried to play the game I might give it another go. It might just be that the core game isn't for me though, which is weird considering I consume this type of action RPG by the truckload normally and still play Diablo II regularly.
I'm not sure if I did, actually. I reinstalled and booted the game up again around Christmas, played for two hours, got insanely bored and uninstalled it again. When did 2.0 go live?
Starting next year, if you are really, really good at video games, you can use your gaming skills to get into one of South Korea's best universities—just like being a talented football or basketball player can help your admissions odds.
I was ready to throw some snark around, but it doesn't look all that bad actually. Still not gonna buy it on release (still sour about D3) but I'll check it out later. That's better than 'never'.
"Games need to get out of the idea of entitlement."
Dude, you're harkening back to a debate that was closed off millenia ago, consensus being 'entitlement has no place in this debate, case closed'. Besides, this whole word-of-god stance you're taking is exactly what would keep the industry firmly mired in the quicksand…
Mika was also just a good character, both technically and personality wise. The roster may be populated with enough grapplers already, but even so Mika would've been a welcome addition.
Dear Capcom & Ono,
I am very disappoint. This much hype and buildup for a character that's only new'ish (and, for that matter, was already in a fighting game in some form - another promise broken) is just lame. I expected better, especially considering the other new characters, while very welcome, weren't exactly hard…
I'm sorry man, but you're trying way too hard to defend this character. Stream be damned, details be damned, we were promised a completely new character and this just isn't it. While I can agree with that she's different from Cammy mechanically, to not admit the character isn't new enough is just plain overzealous.
He also alienated most of the non-US fanbase with humor that's more tailored to the US than abroad. While the North American Sony-fans were raving about how hilarious Butler is, I can't think of anyone in my social circle here in Europe who even grinned at the jokes. He actually started to become damaging to the…
It's a recurring pattern through all of their work, if you ask me. Doing something really well, then choosing to go a totally different route and justifying it with word-of-god bullshit.
Actually, I'm still bitter about Diablo III. Sorry about that.
Hate? What hate? By whom? Where?
Are you sure you didn't sip a bit too much firewater?