
Looks pretty good. Getting better near the end of the trailer too, the voice-acting makes it all quite atmos-

I always wonder what the writer behind a post like this was thinking. I mean, look back, that comparison was made a relative eternity ago, yet your post is smug as can be about 'invalidating the argument kthxbai'. The entire argument has already moved on and your very clever retort was already made multiple times

Interesting, considering I spoke to you as I would any of of my fellow students, professors, friends, debaters or whathaveyou, on a level that is both academically viable and not elitist so anyone can join in. I gave options, openings, questions and opportunity for rejection through debate. I basically made myself

Once again, opinion. That it's a part of cultural hegemony, especially in certain countries / cultures, doesn't change the fact that it's an opinion considered fact by consensus. That is why you classify it according to "proper" definitions and why you call it a mockery of love, but let me ask you: is that because you

I can fire off a huge diatribe about all kinds of things, but I'll keep it with this: it's a really good thing games like this can exist, that there's someone making them, and that it treats important subjects with the integrity it deserves.

Or not. You're aware that different people like different things, right? And that some people just plainly get off on being in vulnerable positions, and that that's not always motivated by some darker reason? I'm a completely ordinary guy, yet I'm into a lot of things you might not expect. Humans are different, don't

Scarred? Severely depends on how the parents handle it. If they immediately pull up the covers and start screaming, then yes, scars will be created because the act that was witnessed just got the context of 'wrong' and 'disgusting'. If the parents handle it in a chilled out, relaxed, honest but still ethical manner,

HungryJack's right though, what you're saying is too deterministic. There are more factors involved, mostimportant being how the parent's handle it and/or how media exposure handles it. When I saw my first porn movie by accident when I was a kid, my parents simply laughed, turned it off, and spoke to me about it.

This worrying phenomenon, namely the Fucking-Insanely-Expensive-Gift-Giving that's disguised as Christmas, has been spreading to my country too in recent years. Today we actually got our first rage-tweets as well! Thank god for hyper-capitalism and greed, which is now ruining a holiday centered on togetherness and

"But in this case, I really don't think it's an understatement to say that the U.S. was at least as vital, if not more so, than Russia when it comes to winning WWII."
Definitely so, at least it's a much less absolute and deterministic way of saying it than 'US won the war'. US efforts were big, with a war on two fronts

You make some good points, and some not-so-good points
"Again if Europe hadn't been insanely stupid, and I'll admit if we didn't have idiot leaders at the time,"
I'll admit that European governments around that time weren't pinnacles of brilliance, but to call them 'insanely stupid' is a bit much. It's always easier to

It does matter where you're from: possibility of subjectivity, especially considering ideology and culture of a country of residence being a big factor in this. And that subjective tunnel-vision you have proven to have, both here and in the other reply.

"Most of the rest of Europe has fallen to this "soft" socialism that is going to cause them no end of problems in the future. They've already started to slide from the pinnacle of civilization that was reached at the beginning of the 20th century and will fade into obscurity if they continue along this path."


Calm down with the zeal, I never meant to say the lives the US gave weren't honored (the suggestion itself is a wee bit insulting, even). I worded it rather poorly I see now, so I understand the confusion. What I wanted to say is that it the US was active in Europe in multiple places, but not the Netherlands -unless

Missing the point: US' help was definitely welcome, the treaty was retarded, what I was referring to is the way the US seems to be raised on the idea that it won the entire war. The way you said it, "the US to get involved in another conflict", seems to reflect this: you seem to think the US was in the position of

Huh. I seem to remember the war never happened, which caused a technological and cultural boom fueled by the golden years in the 40's and 50's which 'stuck around' for a long while, hence the retro-futurism. I can't check it now, I'll read up on it when I get back home (Fallout Bible somewhere on my desktop rig).

I was referring to WW2, yeah. Turns out I got my dates mixed up (see other reply) but reacted strongly to the notion that the US 'won the entire war'.

I already replied to another post in this thread on this, but I got my dates mixed up and was led by the usual European Pride which pops up when the US is declared 'the winner of WW2'. Check the other reply, it's more comprehensive and saves me the typing.

About the fictional universe: I seem to remember, but not sure

I stand corrected, I had my dates mixed up. Japan declared surrender in august after Germany surrendered in may, with the Potsdam Declaration in june. I guess I let my anger take over a bit, since the US definitely did win the Asian front but also claimed victory in the European front - which is something the entirety

Goddammit, no they didn't, and the atomic bombs were not the ending. Why does this myth still exist?